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            The phone rang twice before he answered, his sexy, groggy voice sending shivers through her body.  He’d been asleep.  “Logan.” She said softly.,

            He could hear the quietness, the nervousness in her voice.  Something had happened.  He sat up, “Charlie? Charlie what’s going on?” He asked, he was awake now, but the sleepiness hadn’t quite left his voice. 

“I need you” she whispered, and he heard her whimper softly.  His stomach churned.  How long he’d waited to hear her say something like that, but hearing it now, he felt sick. 

“OH god, what’s going on?” He asked, jumping out bed, searching around the dark room for his converses and his keys.  “Where are you?” he asked, finding the shoes and slipping them on his feet, grabbing his keys from his dresser. 

“I, I don’t know” she said softly, glancing around.  “Find a street sign” he said, trying to keep his voice calm, trying not to panic.  What had Jackson done to her?

His stomach churned again, he went outside in the rain, jogging to his black SUV.  “I’m on, I’m on Caldwell Street” she said, “Where is that?” Logan asked himself more than her, his mind was scattered, from sleepiness and panic. “Now I’m on Patrick’s Avenue” she said. 

Kyle lives there.  Logan breathed.  “Stay there, I’ll be there in 10.” He said.

She hung up the phone, she sunk to the ground, sitting on the curb, the rain pouring down on her, she reached up, placing her hand over the sore skin on her neck. 

She was starting to regret calling Logan.  She needed him, She WANTED him, but she couldn’t explain what had happened.  If he asked her a question, she knew she wouldn’t be able to bring herself to answer it.

  Logan stopped at a stop sign, running his hand through his already messy curls.  What the hell had happened? What was he going to find when he got there? 

It normally takes him about 20 minutes to get to Kyle’s, but he wasn’t worried about cops or children playing, in the neighborhood at 11:30 at night, and traffic being non-existent helped.  He got there in 7 minutes, turning the corner, and slowing down, to see if he could spot her.  He drove passed Kyle’s house, down the street, farther down the street than he’d ever gone before, and finally got towards the end.  He stopped at the stop sign, and there she was, sitting on the sidewalk. 

She saw his car stopping, and she got up.  She pulled her hair over her shoulder in an attempt to cover her neck.  She didn’t want him to see it.  She wasn’t sure how she would hide it from him and Kayla until it healed, but she was hoping to avoid the confrontation about it tonight. 

She had stopped crying, and pulled herself together.  She could feel his blue eyes watching her as she climbed into the SUV.  She put on her seatbelt and leaned back in the seat a little, letting the heat wash over her. 

Logan started driving.  He was so relieved to see that she wasn’t bleeding, or bruised that he didn’t question her yet.  He turned around, and stopped at the stop sign on the other side, he glanced over at her. 

She was soaked, her hair was wet, her mascara was running down one cheek, her eyes were a little puffy from crying, and she’d obviously been biting hard into her lower lip, that was starting to swell slightly.  She was still the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.

  Now that he had her, he was more cautious, following the speed limit, actually stopping at the stop signs

“You gonna tell me what happened?” he asked.  She shook her head, “You don’t need to know.” She said softly.  Logan’s heart squeezed in his chest, and he stopped roughly at the next stop sign.

“What does THAT mean?” He asked, trying to keep his voice calm. 

“Logan, please” she said, breathlessly. 

“Just answer one question, please” he said softly as they turned onto his street.

‘Ok” she whispered.

“Did he hurt you?"

Teenage DreamOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora