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Finally, Logan chose a station, he glanced over at Charlie to see if she approved, but she was asleep. 

She had rolled onto her side, facing him, her legs curled up a little, her hand reached out, gripping the front of his tee shirt, on his abs, gently in her fist.  He hadn’t even noticed.  He couldn’t help but smile a little, looking down at the beautiful girl.  She had washed the make up off her face, and she looked so innocent, so flawless, so peaceful.  He watched her for a minute as her chest moved up and down.  She had on his favorite tee shirt.  She looks better in his clothes than he does.  He turned off the TV, turning out the light by his bed, and settling down, still on his back, shutting his eyes, his hand gently closing over hers.

            Logan woke up first, feeling the warmth of another person whose body was entangled with his.  He didn’t have to open his eyes, he remembered who was with him, but he did anyway, wanting to see her.  They were both on their sides, facing each other, her head was buried in the pillow, and he could feel her breath on his neck.  The sheets were kicked to the end of the bed, the warmth of each other being enough.  Their legs were tangled together, one of her legs between his, the other on top.  Her shirt had risen up, settling around her waist, and Logan saw that she was not wearing shorts.  One of her arms was curled up, under her head, the other, her hand was pressed against his chest.  In the sunlight, he could see her bruises, the one on her cheek, just under her eye from her mother’s boyfriend, and the handprint on her side from last night.  It squeezed at Logan’s heart to see her like that, and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her even closer.  He didn’t care what time it was.  She was half-naked, asleep in his bed, with her legs entwined with his, he wasn’t letting her go.  Gently he slid his arms around her, pulling her closer, and he closed his eyes again, giving in to sleep.

            About 2 hours later, Charlie shifted, starting to wake up.  She had to pee.  She started to roll over sleepily, but found herself stuck, strong arms were wrapped around her.  Her eyes popped open, her heart racing, but her breathing settled when she saw Logan, asleep, his long dark lashes down on his cheeks, his breathing steady.  His curls were a wreck, a sexy mess.  He’s so adorably cute, mixed with undeniably sexy, a look that not many guys are blessed with.  She watched him for a minute, thinking about him, the adorable way he runs his hand through his hair when he’s nervous, or stressed, the sexy way he runs his tongue along his bottom lip, the playful sparkle in his eyes and his cheeky smile.  She also couldn’t help but notice the position they were in, his arms wrapped protectively around her, her hand on his chest, as if making sure he didn’t leave, they way their legs tangled and weaved together, like they couldn’t bear to be not touching.  She also noticed that her shirt had risen up, and that her white underwear were showing.  She blushed.  She didn’t want to leave him, she wanted to stay here, in this position forever. But She tried to untangle herself without waking him, realizing again, that she had to pee. She moved her hand from his chest, and she tried gently lifting his arm, but his grip around her just tightened, pulling her body against his.  She hated to wake him up, but she had to get up! “Logan” she said softly, reaching up to gently touch his face, “Logan” she repeated just a little louder, pushing on his shoulder.  “mmmn” he groaned.  Sex. Absolute sex.  “I have to get up” She told him, her voice gentle.  “Nnnm” he mumbled, his arms around her tightening.  She smiled, she loved this.  If she didn’t have to pee so bad, this would be exciting.  “Come on, Please” she quietly begged, struggling harder against him, “I have to go! Wake up!” she pleaded.  His eyes popped open, as he suddenly inhaled deeply.  “Oh thank god” she said, shifting as his arms loosened, and she was able to pull out of them, and jump up, running into his bathroom. 

            A smile played at Logan’s lips as he realized she’d been trying to escape him to go pee.  He wondered how long she’d been trying to wake him up.  He rubbed his face, pushing some curls out of his face.  He rolled over, sitting up a little, his alarm clock said 12:16.  He picked up his cell phone.  He had a few messages from Ben.  He opened the chat box.

Teenage DreamOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora