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     Ben glanced up from his conversation with Hunter and Derek, his eyes landing on Jackson just as he leaned in and kissed Charlie.  Ben’s eyes widened and he quickly scanned the crowd for Logan, desperately hoping he hadn’t seen it. 

He hadn’t. 

  His back was to where Jackson and Charlie were standing, and he was dancing, and laughing with Lucy.

  Charlie’s hands were on Jackson’s chest, and she appeared to be trying to push him away. 

“One of us should get over there before Logan spots it.” Hunter said.  His eyes had obviously landed on the same situation.  Ben thought quickly, as Charlie finally pulled her face away from his and glared at him. 

“The only way to keep him away from her, is to keep her on the dance floor.  Get a couple more guys in on it, it’s going to be a long night.” He said, and quickly headed towards the “feuding couple.” Jackson took Charlie’s arm and started pulling, wanting her to go towards the gym doors, and she was struggling, planting her feet on the ground.  Not too much resistance, but it got her enough time for Ben to show up. 

“Hey Charlie! I’m ready for that dance when you are” he said, pretending to be oblivious to the situation in front of him. 

“I’d love to dance with you Ben!” she said, a little too enthusiastically.

  She’d somehow managed to slip from Jackson’s grip, and she took Ben’s hand.  She led him out to the dance floor, then spun around to face him. 

“Oh! Can you put this in your pocket? I don’t it to fall” she said, pulling her phone from where it was tucked into the side of her belt.  Ben laughed a little and stuck the phone in his pocket, then he spun her around.  Charlie loves to dance, it’s such a freeing feeling, and Ben’s such a big goofball, he made it even more fun.  He’s not a bad dancer, but he was intentionally acting ridiculous to make her laugh, get her mind off Jackson.  She was laughing so hard her stomach hurt.

Charlie danced forever.  Members of the soccer team kept coming and cutting in, keeping her moving, but giving each other breaks.  She was exhausted, but she was having fun, and she didn’t want to say no to the guys that were being so nice to her.  She’d asked her previous dance partner to take her shoes and leave them on the bleachers.  He’d laughed, but took the heels when she pulled them off.  Finally Ben reappeared and cut in.

  “Oh no! I don’t think I can handle any more of your moves” she laughed.  He just smiled, and twirled her around. 

          Lucy disappeared to go to the bathroom, and Logan turned around seeing Charlie and Ben.  Charlie was laughing, as Ben spun her around and around.  Ben caught Logan’s eye, and he spun her again, letting her go, spinning her right into Logan. 

Best. Wingman. Ever.

Logan smiled at her, “Hey”

          “Hey you” she said, smiling back, her gray eyes sparkling. 

“I was wondering if you’d show up.” She added.  His eyebrows got closer, what was she talking about?

“I’ve danced with every other member of the soccer team.  I would have been disappointed if the goalie bailed out.” Her smile was contagious. 

“I-“ The loud bass stopped, and the DJ slowed it down. 

“I love this song” Charlie said as the soft melody filled the room.  He slid his other arm around her waist, and she smiled up at him, putting her arms over his shoulders. 

Teenage DreamOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora