Chapter 18 Observing the Stars

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Wukong, having bid farewell to the Slanting Moon and Three Stars Cave, did not employ his cloud-somersaulting technique, but instead, he rode the mists and ascended the clouds. As he traveled further and further away, glancing back, he saw the spiritual Mount Sumeru fading from his sight, stirring a hint of sorrow in his heart.

Regardless of why Master Subhuti had imparted him with such skills, he had led Wukong to witness the capabilities of the Great Dao, broadening his horizons and enriching his knowledge. Given the choice, Wukong would undoubtedly choose this path again. In a world of immortals, who would settle for mediocrity? Thus, his heart held nothing but gratitude for Master Subhuti.

After that day, Wukong never saw Master Subhuti again. The mysterious figure seemed to have vanished into thin air. From their first meeting, Wukong felt a peculiar familiarity with the master, as if they had met before. But after careful consideration of the few he had encountered in this world, he chalked it up to a dream.

Master Subhuti's cryptic words lingered in his mind, "When we meet again, you might not recognize me..." Had Master Subhuti changed his appearance and reappeared? Despite much thought, Wukong found no clues.

Alas, if Master Subhuti were to reappear, it would not be under the same name. From then on, the world would no longer know of Subhuti. Amidst his sighs, Wukong's gaze upon the earthly scenery slowed his pace. Spotting a small mountain peak ahead, he decided to land there.

To his surprise, the more Wukong looked, the stranger he found it. He had practiced his cloud-ascending technique in this area, circling numerous times, yet he had never noticed this mountain peak. Could it have sprung from nowhere?

This thought led Wukong to retrace his steps using his cloud-somersaulting technique, revisiting the path he had taken that day. To his astonishment, it was as if he had entered an unfamiliar world. Compared to Mount Sumeru, the spiritual energy here was significantly weaker, lacking in beautiful scenery and the company of divine birds and beasts.

Recalling his practice of the cloud-somersaulting technique, Wukong remembered clearly, even after flying tens of thousands of miles, he saw not a single dwelling. Yet today, the ground below was neatly organized with cities and villages, presenting a peaceful scene. Returning to the spot where he had practiced manipulating the seas and rivers, he found instead a field of wheat.

Wukong cast a spell to descend to the ground, transforming into a woodcutter. Approaching a toiling old farmer, he was certain this was no disguise.

What could this mean? Wukong was baffled. Had he remembered incorrectly? Taking to the clouds again, he scoured the surroundings. Within a thousand miles, there were only vast plains, no seas, not even a lake in sight.

Suddenly, it dawned on him: even the spiritual Mount Sumeru was gone! The cave dwelling filled with immortal essence, the children with the demeanor of sages, the elder with the youthful face and profound powers, all had disappeared. Every divine figure and landscape vanished like smoke—no, even passing smoke leaves a trace.

Wukong boldly guessed, could it be that Mount Sumeru, where Master Subhuti resided, was not real? No, not unreal, but rather a mysterious separate space! Surely, this must be the case, for if it could be found again, Wukong, by his nature, would not rest until he did.

With this realization, Wukong ceased his search and chose a high mountain to sit upon, waiting for something. If what he awaited came to pass, it would greatly benefit his future.

Wukong calmed his mind and focused on mastering the art of "Transformation and Easy Shape-shifting." His recent transformation into a woodcutter felt awkward, a sign of infrequent practice. In his journey to the West, Wukong had often relied on this skill to escape peril. Without perfecting it, he dared not flaunt it.

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