[Introduce] Fantastic Skills

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The Thirty-Six Transformations of Heavenly Gang Skill


Seventy-Two Earthly Sha Skill

The Thirty-Six Transformations of Heavenly Gang Skill

Spinning Creation: This ability manifests something out of nothing or transforms the essence of things, capable of creating everything and overturning the original cosmic laws to redefine new ones. Note: "Used by Nüwa for creation."

Inverting Yin and Yang: This can disrupt the order of heaven and earth, causing the sun and the moon to lose their regularity, akin to reversing right and wrong, and blending black and white. It's called the divine prison heavenly calamity, reversing the universe. Note: "Yin and Yang are the opposing aspects of things, representing the great Tao of Yin and Yang."

Moving Stars and Changing Constellations: This ability can obscure and alter heavenly secrets, meaning when heaven unleashes its killing intent, stars and constellations are moved. The heavenly secret, akin to the will of heaven, enlightened by the sage's subtle influence, is a grand art of life and death. Note: "This is supreme magical power."

Reversing Time: This allows insight into all heavens, illuminating the Dharma world, knowing all past causes and effects without obstruction. Note: "Knowledge of history."

Summoning Wind and Rain: Can call upon strong winds and heavy rains, as well as disperse clouds and stop the rain. It can also bring about snowstorms or frost, practicing the method of moving clouds and bringing rain. Note: "Manipulation of weather changes."

Shaking Mountains and Earth: Causes earthquakes, shaking the earth and mountains, intimidating the landscape. Note: "This is a technique of immense strength, with vast power."

Riding Clouds and Mist: Can travel from the Northern Sea to Cangwu in a single morning. Cangwu refers to the speech of Lingling in the Northern Sea. Note: "The ability to fly."

Splitting Rivers to Create Land: Can divide rivers or seas to turn them into land. Note: "The method of parting waters."

Dashing with Golden Light: Transforming into a beam of golden light that can travel thousands of miles in a day, a technique of escape. Note: "Passed down by the Primordial Heavenly Venerable."

Stirring Seas and Rivers: Can control rivers, lakes, and seas, raising mighty waves. Note: "Immense power."

Turning Ground into Steel: Transform an area's ground into steel, overcoming earth escape and ground-moving techniques. Note: "A profound magical power."

Great Escape of the Five Elements: Not only records the immortal methods of the five elements but also includes the art of escaping through them. Note: "Contains the marvelous Dao of the generation and overcoming of the five elements."

Mysterious Gates of the Six Jia: Six Jia refers to the art of escaping, capable of commanding ghosts and spirits, praying for protection and driving away ghosts. The mysterious gate involves both numerical theory and magical arts. Note: "Includes medicine, divination, astrology, and various magical techniques."

Predicting the Future: Can foresee future events, proficient in divining the will of heaven, knowing in advance, understanding the fate of all beings. Note: "Ability to comprehend all causes and effects."

Whipping Mountains and Moving Stones: The technique of stirring mountains and moving huge rocks. Note: "Control over changes in the landscape, capable of splitting mountains and shifting them for one's use."

Resurrecting the Dead: Bringing the dead back to life, allowing spirits to return to their bodies for rebirth, showcasing the mystery of life and death. Note: "Reviving the deceased, a supreme mystical method."

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