Chapter 1 The Bond of Two Lives

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In the Eastern Victory Divine Continent, within the distant fairyland of the East, on the border of the Proud Sky Nation, Mount Huaguo, enveloped in legend, stands amidst the clouds and mist. This is a realm where mythology and reality intertwine, where every inch of land, every leaf, is filled with incredible magic.

One day, a peach blossom petal gently floated down from the sky, twirling in the breeze before delicately landing in the palm of a small monkey. This monkey, with its clumsy yet curious little hands, carefully observed the petal, as if seeking the story behind it.

As time passed, the petal gradually lost its vitality, a change that sparked reflection in the monkey. It looked around, everything between heaven and earth seemed so vivid, yet a longing for belonging welled up in its heart.

The monkey decided to leave; it leapt off the cliff and ran towards the unknown world. That petal, quietly carried away by the stream, seemed to whisper a story that was about to unfold.

Above was the sky, below was the earth, here were trees, jungles, streams, fresh fruits, green grass, thorns, rocks... And those playing and frolicking, who looked just like me, could there be many mes?

A monkey looked at a group of monkeys, slowing its steps; a group of monkeys looked at a monkey, pointing and making strange squeaks.


"Come here!" a larger monkey called out.

"Why should I go there?" the monkey asked.

"We're all monkeys; we should be together!"

"So, I am a monkey... But what does it mean to be 'together'?"

"Being together... means... not being apart," the large monkey explained.

"Like being as close as you all are?" the monkey inquired.

"Exactly," the larger monkey said, tossing a peach. "I'm Afei. This peach is for you."

The monkey caught the peach, puzzled.

"It's tasty," Afei called out.

Taking a bite, the monkey's front became dotted with droplets from the juicy, vibrant splash. "Does it enjoy being eaten by us?" the monkey wondered.

Afei grinned, "I only know I enjoy eating it. Why worry if it likes being eaten?"

Looking at the peach with a fresh bite mark, the monkey felt a sudden dislike for itself. Why bite into it? Yet, the taste was indeed... delicious.

"What's your name?" Afei asked.

The monkey, peach in mouth, paused: "I don't have a name."

"We all have names. I'm Afei, that's Abao, there's Xiaotian..." Afei introduced them one by one.

A strange, uncomfortable emotion spread in the monkey's heart. Was this... sadness? As if a voice inside was defining sadness for it.

No one responded.

"Birds of a feather flock together," the monkeys gathered around, one young monkey saying, "You popped out of a stone, I saw it." The monkey scratched its head, unsure of its origins.

Afei, trying to appear solemn (which came off as comical), declared, "You'll be called Stone Monkey."

The monkey bit into the peach, "Stone Monkey... Is that a name?"

"If you agree, then it's a name," an old monkey stated.

"Alright, Stone Monkey it is." A peculiar feeling rose in the monkey's heart, the name strangely familiar.

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