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200 stars, there you go. ☕️✍🏼

i'd appreciate more people press that little thing if they enjoy. it's sad seeing so many read the chapters once they're uploaded, but don't press the little star. i mean, you obviously enjoy reading, don't you? and you obviously get this for free. so that's the least you can do, don't you think?

now lean back and enjoy, maybe that one is worth a star. ☕️✍🏼

About 20 minutes later, the blonde slipped out of one of the elegant cubicles in the ladies' restroom, the soft click of the lock echoing in the quiet space.

The jazzy music buzzing from the speakers above pulsed softly in the background, drowning out the noise from the bustling club outside as she sauntered toward the mirror.

Turning her attention on her own reflection, Erin noticed the subtle flush in her cheeks and the way her pupils had dilated, a direct result of the delicious white wine and her girlfriend's provocative words.

But however, her focus soon shifted to the dark green, silky lace fabric clutched in her hand, cold fingers feeling the dampness seep through her fingertips as she held the material tight.

A wicked smile tugged at the corners of her delicate lips as she imagined the effect it would have on the two time Ballon D'Or winner.

She contemplated heading straight to the bar and slipping the fabric into Alexia's waiting hand, the very one, dark green fabric the brunette had carefully chosen for her earlier.

The particular piece of lingerie had been   innocently nestling in the second highest drawer of Alexia's dresser for about a week, and if Erin had been privy to the captain's devious plan, she would have been willing to accept from the very beginning.

But as always, the blonde continued to learn, one surprise at a time.

As the restroom door creaked open, a burst of laughter and chatter flooded in, signaling the arrival of a few more team members. With a swift movement, the therapist secured her fingers around the delicate piece of clothing, and slipped through the narrowing gap before the door could shut.

Surveying the crowded room, her eyes darted from the packed dance floor to the clusters of teammates scattered throughout the space, and from Jonathan and his fellow trainers huddled in animated conversation in one corner, to a couple engaged in their own private world in another.

But it was the voice echoing from the bar that captured most of her attention.

Erin's gaze fell on none other than the two-time Ballon D'Or winner, leaning effortlessly against a high bar stool, exuding a relaxed charm, her elbow casually propped up on the counter.

Beside her stood Aitana and Patri, the group of midfielders immersed in their conversation.

Caught in the magnetic pull of Alexia's laughter, the therapist couldn't tear her gaze away.

The way she threw her head back with abandon when she laughed, the way Alexia's warm fingers toyed with the hem of her blazer, while her other hand cradled a glass half full - it all had a familiar rush of heat flood Erin's senses.

She couldn't help it.

She couldn't help the way her fingers tightened around the damp material cradled in her hand as she navigated through the crowded space.

Engrossed in conversation with her fellow midfielders, the two time Ballon D'Or winner was caught off guard as she felt a slender arm wrap around her from behind, accompanied by the chill of a cold hand resting atop hers, and a soft chin gently settling on her strong shoulder.

blackout - Alexia PutellasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang