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one of my favorites of this story so far.
enjoy ☕️✍🏼

As Erin stirred awake to the gentle rays of the morning sun filtering through the half-closed curtains, she felt a warm embrace enveloping her exhausted body.

Blinking sleepily as she noticed the sound of a soft snore echoing through the room, she tried to shift without any noise, but at the slight movements of her tired, slender limbs, the strong arms around her tightened instinctively.

"Bon dia, Bonita," came a croaky voice, followed by tender lips pressing against her forehead.

Erin's heart fluttered at the affectionate gesture as she whispered back, "Good morning."

Her gaze wandered around the room, taking in the familiar surroundings of the master bed where she had spent the night in the arms of a certain brunette, the exact woman who had made her feel cherished and desired.

It was the way Alexia held and treated her with such care and reverence, as if she were a precious treasure to be cherished and adored.

It was the way the softness of her tender lips brushed against Erin's skin, the warmth and the tenderness of her touch as she explored every curve and contour. It all was intoxicating.

But it wasn't just the physical sensations that left Erin breathless.

It was the way the captain looked at her with such intensity, her sparkling hazel eyes ablaze with passion and desire, the way her eyes darkened whenever she admired the blonde.

The power those eyes held.

In that moment, as they lay intertwined in each other's exhausted limbs, Erin felt more alive than she had ever felt before.

"Did you have a good sleep, Bonita?" Alexia's voice, soft and soothing, reached her ears as the brunette brushed a stray strand of golden hair from the blonde's face.

Erin nodded, her eyes locking with Alexia's sparkling hazel orbs that held an undeniable allure as she lifted her head.

"Yeah... I guess I was in heaven," she admitted with a soft smile, feeling a rush of warmth spreading through her as she basked in the intimacy of their shared night.

Last night truly was heavenly.

Her eyelids fluttered shut at the sensation of Alexia's warm fingertips tracing delicate patterns along her bare back, the soft, tender caress allowing her to melt against the athletes strong body.

The captain's smile was radiant as she gazed down at Erin, her hazel eyes sparkling with affection as she savored the sight of the blonde nestled against her. "I guess your memory is perfectly clear, then?" she teased.

Of course, the blonde couldn't resist the opportunity for playful banter, her chin resting lightly on the athlete's chest as she whispered in mock innocence, "No idea what you're talking about... I might be suffering another blackout."

Raising an eyebrow in playful skepticism, the two time Ballon D'Or tightened her hold on Erin's waist as the blonde sat up, her warm palms caressing the slender woman's bare thighs with tender affection.

"I might need someone to help me remember," Erin continued with a smirk, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Biting down on her bottom lip as she chuckled, the midfielder sat up, leaning in to capture Erin's delicate lips in a passionate kiss. "I'll help you anytime, mi niña," she murmured into the kiss.

Moments later, they were lost in each other's embrace when all of a sudden, an urgent knock echoed through the room, interrupting their tender moment.

"Mierda, not now...", Alexia sighed, tender lips lingering against Erin's as she glanced towards the door, a hint of frustration flickering in her hazel eyes.

But the blonde pulled her in again, murmuring "Ignore it. Whoever that is can come back later"

But the knocking persisted, a bit more insistent this time.

"Alexia! Any idea where Erin is?" a higher pitched voice appeared, and now it was the blonde who pulled away, a reluctant sigh escaping Erin's lips as she turned towards the door.

"I'm going to kill her," she muttered, her voice tinged with annoyance as she rolled her eyes.

"Hey, look at me" Alexia's voice, soft and soothing, stirred Erin from her reverie, a gentle touch on her cheek drawing her gaze back to the warmth of the brunette's hazel eyes. "Let me take care of this. Just stay here, mi niña."

Unable to help herself, the blonde nodded, her heart fluttering at the tenderness in Alexia's voice.

She watched with admiration as Alexia gracefully slipped out of bed, her movements fluid as she draped herself in a pristine white robe, and padded toward the door while gathering her tousled, bleached hair up into a messy bun.

With her eyes following the athlete's every move, Erin propped herself up on the bed as she pulled the blanket to cover her naked, slender figure, her gaze fixed on the brunette's retreating figure.

Alexia truly was a goddess.

With a deep breath, the two time Ballon D'Or winner opened the door, revealing none other but Martha standing on the other side.

"Hey, Ale, have you seen— holy mother of god" Martha's words trailed off as her gaze lingered on Alexia's athletic form, a look of awe crossing her features.

The black haired's wide eyes roamed the captain's body, sun-kissed, perfectly tanned skin covered in nothing by a white robe.

"Erin's with me, Martha," the midfielder's voice carried a firmness that brooked no argument, her eyes piercing as she followed Martha's gaze. "I'd appreciate you not ruining our morning."

But the black haired seemed oblivious to Alexia's words, her attention still fixated on the two time Ballon D'Or winner standing before her. She muttered under her breath, barely registering Alexia's admonishment.

"Madre mia, you're-"

"And my eyes are up here," Alexia interjected sharply, her fingers snapping to draw Martha's focus back to her face.

"Oh, um... sure," the black-haired stammered, her cheeks flushing as she nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Gathering her composure, she continued, "Patri and I were, um... we were just wondering if... if you'd join us for the boat trip later today."

Alexia's eyebrows quirked in interest as she glanced over Martha's shoulder, her eyes scanning the hallway behind her. "What time?"

"Um... 2 pm," the black-haired hesitated, her voice faltering as she met Alexia's confident gaze, "We're meeting up at the hotel's harbor, just... just over there," she gestured awkwardly.

Mark the date in the calendar when Martha's confidence was challenged by someone's demeanor.

"Sounds perfect, we'll see you later," Alexia's smile was warm as she stepped back, her hand already reaching for the door handle. "You're good to go", she muttered, and with a nod of dismissal, she closed the door, leaving Martha standing in the front of the hut, still slightly flustered.

Padding back toward the master bed, white sheets scattered across its surface, the athlete remained oblivious to the smirk on Erin's lips.

"Sorry about that," she murmured softly, perching on the bed's edge, her tone apologetic as she shed the white garment from her shoulders, the smooth fabric gliding to the floor. "Now, where were we?"

Yet, it were the blonde's words that captured her focus, Alexia's sparkling hazel eyes shifting towards the naked, slender figure on her bed, as cold arms wrapped around her neck from behind.

"No one has ever folded Martha like this... I'm absolutely captivated," the blonde whispered, still enamored by the conversation she had just overheard, nuzzling her head against the captain's neck, murmuring proudly, "And that was so damn hot."

Alexia's cheeks flushed a dark crimson as she allowed her eyes to flutter shut, the blonde's breath hot against her er as she heard Erin murmur, "We should make the most of the short time we have"


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