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hm, i missed the tension ☕️✍🏼

Adjusting her pace, the blonde straightened up, her hand instinctively reaching to smooth her hair as the sound of approaching footsteps caught her attention.

In that moment, the atmosphere in the room shifted, giving rise to a palpable tension that mingled awkwardness with a touch of intimidation.


That's what Alexia was.

A figure exuding an aura of intimidation, accentuated by her athletic, and undoubtedly gorgeous, presence. Clad in a pair of Nike shorts and a tank top that showcased her toned physique, she slowly circled the stationary bike, gradually coming into full view.

"Hola," the midfielder uttered, her voice exuding a calm and unwavering demeanor, devoid of even the faintest trace of nervousness.

Absolutely intimidating.

"Hi," the blonde greeted, her throat tightening as her eyes traced the contours of Alexia's athletic ensemble - from the brand new pair of Nike sneakers, along her perfectly tanned legs, to the flawless features of her face, before finally settling on those captivating hazel eyes.

The power those eyes held.

With her tender lips pressed into a thoughtful line, the brunette paused, allowing her gaze to leisurely traverse the blonde's figure. She casually tossed her workout towel over her well-defined shoulder, before locking eyes with Erin.

The power those eyes held.

"Would it be acceptable if I worked out here?" the midfielder inquired, a slight gesture encompassing the otherwise deserted gym, "I adhere to a very strict workout routine, and since everyone is still at the beach, savoring the sunset, I thought it might be an opportune time to- it'd be okay to come back later if it makes you feel uncomfortable, though"

"Oh, um... I don't mind," the blonde replied hesitantly, her gaze momentarily lowered to dispel any sense of awkwardness.

Unbeknownst to her, the athlete scrutinized her closely, hazel eyes appreciating every nuance of her pale countenance.

The blonde flinched as she suddenly felt a gentle hand cupping her chin, Alexia tilting her head ever so slightly.

The tenderness of her unexpected touch halted the blonde's breath, Erin's gaze lifting to meet Alexia's.

"You should put some ice on it," the brunette advised softly as she examined the bruise on Erin's cheek, her tone sweet and caring, a stark contrast to the earlier intimidation.

Tracing the athlete's gaze with intent focus, the blonde noted the midfielder leaning in a little closer, and it was then that the blonde noticed something.

A faint bruise, or more precisely, a cut on Alexia's forehead.

"What happened there?" Erin inquired, her voice a mere whisper as she sensed the release of her chin by the brunette.

Instantly, the absence of Alexia's tender touch left a subtle void.

How could someone be simultaneously intimidating and caring?

"It's... nothing worth worrying about," the midfielder mumbled, quickly turning away as her cheeks displayed a faint blush.

Nodding imperceptibly, Erin observed from her spot on the bike as the midfielder retreated and ambled toward the minibar, perching down as she swung open the mini fridge to retrieve a bottle of water.

"I'm certain you're aware of when or how my... our injuries happened... unless you're grappling with memory loss as well?", Erin inquired tentatively, her gaze fixed on Alexia as the brunette's movements momentarily paused.

blackout - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now