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let's get this date started ☕️✍🏼

Golden strands of blonde hair meticulously arranged into a bun with a few artfully curled strands framing her flawless visage, Erin was finishing her last check in the mirror when a hesitant knock echoed through their hotel room.

The sound, of course, brought a grin to Martha's lips, but as the blonde's focus shifted to the door, her expression was momentarily frozen.

"I'm gonna faint," she mumbled, inhaling deeply as she took one final look at herself in the mirror. Martha, however, jumped to her feet, eagerly rushing toward the door.

"Martha, don't you dare—"

"Hola, Ale- ulala!" the black-haired gasped, swinging the door open, her grin wide. "Impossible not to fall for her, Erin."

Swallowing, the blonde quickly averted her gaze from her friend, looking into her own reflection in the mirror, as a shadow slowly appeared within reach.

"Hola, Bonita," a soft voice whispered, its deep tone unmistakable.


The mere sound of that word caused Erin's eyes to flutter shut, a cold shiver rushing down her spine. She allowed herself a moment to prepare for this, slowly pivoting on her feet to face her date for tonight.

"Hi," she breathed, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Her gaze, once glued to the ground, gradually wandered up the brunette's athletic figure.

The two-time Ballon D'Or winner sported a pair of jeans, not too chic but not too casual, paired with a white blouse that fit her athletic figure to perfection. Bleached hair cascaded over Alexia's shoulders, concealing her toned figure and the perfectly tanned skin on her cleavage, revealed by the blouse's two open buttons.

The sight in front of her had the blonde swallowing hard.


As Erin stood there, rendered speechless, her eyes captivated by the smoldering twinkle in Alexia's hazel gaze, she found herself entranced by the warmth and comfort emanating from those powerful, hazel eyes.

The power those eyes held.

The captivating gaze made the blonde momentarily forget her surroundings, and it took a moment for her to register the two-time Ballon D'Or winner was equally absorbed in the scene before her. The white fabric of Erin's dress accentuated her slender figure, prompting a subtle reaction in Alexia's eyes.

"How about the two of you stop eyefucking each other and leave already? I've got plans, too" a higher-pitched voice interrupts the moment of silence and appreciation, causing the two to turn their head towards the Spaniard.

Regaining her composure, Erin shot a death glare at Martha, murmuring under her breath, "You're aware that I hate you sometimes, right?" as she reached for her purse.

Amidst the banter, Alexia, maintaining an air of uncertainty, stepped a bit closer to Erin, her hazel eyes never leaving the blonde's every move.

In a softer tone, she expressed, "Martha might be onto something. You truly look enchanting, Bonita."

The compliment caught Erin off guard, and a genuine blush painted her otherwise pale cheeks.


The power that word held.

"Um... thank you," the blonde whispered, a delicate smile gracing her lips as her uncertain eyes fluttered up to meet Alexia's, "You also look gorgeous, um... very... intimidating."


That's what Alexia was.

"Intimidating?" the two-time Ballon D'Or winner chuckled softly, furrowing an eyebrow as she stepped up to the blonde, gently taking Erin's cold hand in hers, assuring her with a faint smile, "I'm a lot of things, Bonita. But intimidating isn't one of them. Trust me."

With a small nod, the blonde followed, letting the midfielder lead the way to the door.

A faint worry lingered, making her feel like she might faint as she sensed the warmth of Alexia's fingers wrapping around her cold hand - the authority and confidence she radiated.

Goosebumps formed along her forearms, and her breathing became heavier as the captain guided them past Martha, who held the door open with a smirk on her lips.

"Don't have too much fun without me, ladies," the black-haired teased with a grin.

"Oh, you'll so regret this tomorrow, Martha," Erin murmured, shooting her another death glare, sighing in relief once the Spaniard was out of sight.

"Seems like Martha is still savoring the joy of teasing you about the blackout?" Alexia chuckled, guiding the blonde along a cobblestone path beneath palm trees, their wide fronds casting delicate shadows on the dimly lit, partly sandy trail. Soft jazz beats created a romantic ambiance, emanating from the nearby hotel bar, while the hotel grounds were mostly quiet, with no one else in sight.

"Oh, you have no idea..." Erin sighed, her gaze flickering back over her shoulder to ensure Martha wasn't stealthily following them - an epiphany struck her amidst this atmospheric walk.

The warmth surrounding her hand lingered; Alexia's slightly clammy palm held onto hers, possibly an acknowledgment of shared insecurities or an effort to conceal them.

"Would it ease your mind to hear that my teammates were just as mischievous as Martha earlier?" Alexia's voice was tender, and she took a moment to steal a glance toward Erin.

"They were?" the blonde stuttered.

"Oh, you have no idea," the two-time Ballon D'Or winner laughed, "Mapi was head over heels. So was Jana. The entire squad seemed to have been shipping us at the party last night."

"Realizing how many people know about this situation adds an extra layer of intimidation," Erin confesses as they meander around a corner, leisurely approaching the hotel's entrance.

"Hmm, don't you worry," the captain reassures her, her thumb tracing small circles over the back of Erin's cold hand, "I can make them stop talking if you want. Just say the word."

With the door held open by Alexia, the blonde slips into the building, the midfielder maintaining her form grip on her hand, as if determined not to let go for as long as the date lasts.

Not intimidating at all.

Rather comforting.

"Thank you, I really appreciate that," the blonde whispers, stealing a quick glance at the two-time Ballon D'Or winner.

And once again, she is captivated by the stunning woman's beauty.

She truly was a goddess.

However, there's one single detail that slightly tarnishes her otherwise flawless visage, and Erin makes a mental note to ask about that bruise later.

Hopefully it wasn't her fault.

But another question lingered, "Aren't we having dinner at the hotel restaurant?"

With a smoldering gaze, the brunette looks at the stunning blonde in the white dress, her tender lips forming a soft smile. "I have a second chance for a first impression... and I won't allow my teammates to ruin that."


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blackout - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now