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before we begin, I'd like to share a short anecdote from my life. about seven years ago, my girlfriend and i were in a long-distance relationship for a year when i was working abroad, shortly after we met. a long-distance relationship is a significant challenge, and it underscored the importance of communication, honesty, and active listening. long-distance relationships are anything but easy, but the anticipation of reuniting, and the reunion, make it all worth it. now, she's my wife, and that was the random anecdote. keyword: communication.

enjoy ☕️✍🏼

A couple of days later, two days before the champions league semi final would take place, the therapist found herself nestled on her plush couch, feet up and slender legs tucked under a cozy blanket, engrossed in a TV show.

The soft glow of the screen illuminated her serene living room as she savored a rare moment of relaxation, when all of a sudden, her phone vibrated on the coffee table, breaking the tranquil ambiance.

"Hey babe, did Jonathan make you stay late again?" Erin answered the call, a warm smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she greeted the two time Ballon D'Or winner, sitting up to reach for the remote control.

"Hey, Bonita," Alexia's voice came through the line, slightly muffled by the sounds of traffic in the background. "Yeah, team talk ran a bit longer than expected. But I'm almost done for the day."

The therapist listened attentively, pausing the TV show to give her full attention. "Are you heading home now?" she asked, her tone hopeful as she wished to talk to Alexia more - like every day.

She simply couldn't get enough of that woman.

"Yeah, just making a quick stop for some groceries," the midfielder replied. "You know how I like to have everything ready when I get back."

The blonde chuckled softly, the sound carrying warmth and affection. "I know, you're so organized," she teased gently.

Alexia's laughter echoed through the phone. "Well, someone has to keep things in order," she quipped playfully. "But hey, how was your day? Anything exciting?"

Erin sighed contentedly, sinking further into the cushions of her couch as she adjusted her favorite blanket. "Nothing too exciting," she admitted. "Just a typical day at the clinic. Stressful as always lately... I can't wait for Tuesday."

"Me neither, mi niña. I miss you too," Alexia echoed, her voice carrying a hint of longing. "So, did you already plan out the day after tomorrow when I arrive? Anything specific you want us to do?"

The therapist chuckled, a playful, excited glint in her eyes as she considered the options. "Well, usually I'd want to take you out to my favorite restaurant," she began, "but it's been so long since I've seen you, that I want you all to myself. So I thought about staying in, just order some takeout and crack open a bottle of wine? Unless you're not allowed to drink before a semifinal, of course."

The captain laughed softly, the sound warm and reassuring.

"I do drink alcohol," she admitted, "although I barely have any. But one glass won't hurt, right?"

Smiling from cheek to cheek, Erin pictured the captain navigating through the aisles of the grocery store. "Sounds perfect," she replied, a hint of excitement in her voice. "Oh, are you a red wine drinker? Please don't tell me you're a red wine drinker?"

Alexia chuckled in response. "I like either," she admitted, the sound of her placing items into her basket audible in the background.

Curiosity piqued, and the therapist couldn't help but ask, "What are you buying?" as she imagined the brunette selecting healthy ingredients, perhaps browsing through the fruits and vegetables section.

"Hmm, just some milk, eggs, fruit," the midfielder replied casually. "Oh, and avocados."

Erin's eyes lit up at the mention of this. "Yum, I do love avocado," she admitted, a tender smile tugging at her delicate lips. "Nothing beats a good guacamole dip."

"What would you want with the guacamole?" the two time Ballon D'Or winner inquired, her voice laced with curiosity as she continued her shopping.

The blonde thought for a moment, considering her options. "Hm, it's good on a sandwich," she suggested, "Oh, or with sweet potatoes. I also like it with tomato on bread."

The captain chuckled, the sound warm and endearing. "Sounds delicious," she replied, the rustling of items being placed into her basket audible in the background.

While Alexia moved towards the cashier to pay for her groceries, the therapist sighed softly, adjusting herself on the couch. The phone rested against her chest as she stared up at the ceiling, thoughts drifting to the upcoming reunion.

"I can't wait for Tuesday to come," she murmured, a hint of longing in her voice. "I've missed you so much."

Alexia's response was immediate, filled with equal longing.

"I know, Bonita," she confessed, her tone soft and sincere. "It feels like ages since we've seen each other. The last two months have been hell without you..." Alexia's voice carried a hint of remorse as she apologized, "And I'm sorry I couldn't make it to England sooner. I feel like I failed to visit you and couldn't hold onto my promise."

The admission tugged at Erin's heartstrings, filling her with warmth.

Her smile grew tender, filled with understanding. "It's okay," she repeated, her voice gentle. "We'll see each other in two days and will make the most of the time together once you're here."

As the two time Ballon D'Or winner exited the grocery store, her voice carried through the phone, mingling with the faint rustling of bags being placed in the trunk of the car.

They exchanged light banter, reluctant to end the call as if trying to hold onto each other a little longer.

After a while, the captain switched off the engine, and in the ensuing silence, she gathered her thoughts, something weighing on her mind, and Erin sensed the shift in tone and sat up, a quizzical expression furrowing her brow.

"Is everything okay?" she asked, her voice laced with concern as she prepared herself for whatever the midfielder was about to reveal as she heard her exit the car, get the stuff from the trunk and climb up the stairs to her apartment.

But before the blonde got a response, a sharp knock echoed through her apartment, breaking the moment of anticipation. Erin's gaze darted towards the door, perplexed by the unexpected interruption.

Initially inclined to ignore it, but she hesitated, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Don't worry about it, mi niña," Alexia reassured her, sensing the blonde's hesitation. "Go ahead and see who it is."

With a nod, the blonde rose from the couch, her bare feet padding softly against the floor as she made her way to the front door, cold fingertips trembling slightly as she unlocked and swung it open, and her eyes widened in disbelief at the figure standing before her.

"What are you doing here?"


decisions. decisions. now who could that be?

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