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Long after midnight, beneath the ethereal glow of the full moon hanging high over the ocean, the two of them strolled along the sandy beach toward Alexia's hut.

It was as if time didn't matter.

The wind was blowing through the wide palm leaves fanned out widely, the trees swaying gracefully, while the fresh sea breeze gracefully whistled through the spaces between them, their verdant fronds casting elongated shadows on the glistening sand.

The sound of the jazzy, soothing music near the bar had long since fallen silent, and the other hotel guests had long since gone to their rooms.

Amidst this serene setting, it was only the laughter of two that filled the air, intertwining with the soothing melody of the waves crashing against the shoreline, their rhythmic splashes against the rocks providing a natural symphony.

This surroundings were heavenly.

"So, shower... steaming hot or ice cold?" the blonde laughed, her eyes twinkling mischievously, repeating Alexia's earlier question, her cold hand firmly wrapped around the captains wrist as they slender along the beach, their bare feet seeping into the fine, white sand.

Alexia chuckled, a playful glint in her hazel eyes. "Oh, definitely ice cold," she replied, allowing her arm to wrap around the blondes slender hip, firmly pulling her close, "Just like your hands."

Erin laughed, her cheeks flushing with warmth at the playful banter.

"Well, I can't help those ice cubes... my brother has them, my mother, even my grandma had them" she shared, unable to help the smile that formed on her delicate lips as she allowed her head to rest against Alexia's shoulder.

It was as if the hold, the warmth that surrounded her when the brunette held her this close, had the blonde feel as if she had known this woman forever.

She felt comfortable.

She felt safe.

She felt good.

The captain's smoldering gaze softened, a tender smile playing on her lips. "I don't mind ice cubes. Better than sweaty hands, at least" she joked, a chuckle escaping her lips, her voice laced with a hint of mischief.

Their playful banter continued as they made their way up the stairs toward the patio of Alexia's cabin, the soft glow of lanterns illuminating their path, casting a warm, inviting ambiance around the two.

With each step, their connection seemed to deepen without the need of words, the touch of their hands enough to send a thrill of excitement through both their veins.

As they reached the patio, the blonde couldn't help but admire the way Alexia was treating her, the way every touch, every caress, every gesture was so tender and comforting. The way the captain's warm hand lingered on her hip, the caress sending a shiver of anticipation down Erin's spine.

Unable to help herself, the slender blonde leaned into Alexia's touch, feeling a rush of warmth spread through her body.

The power that touch held.

"I was so confused and overwhelmed when I found myself here this morning," Erin confessed softly as she found herself on the very patio she awakened several hours ago, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability as her mind drifted back to the bewildering moment. "It was... weird... to wake up naked... just wrapped in a blanket, with no memory of how I got there or what happened."

The two time Ballon D'Or winner sighed, her brows furrowing with a mix of sadness and frustration as she reluctantly withdrew her hand from around Erin's hip, the loss of her touch leaving a palpable absence.

The power that touch held.

"I was hoping... I thought that... maybe when you woke up this morning, you'd remember," she admitted with a heavy sigh, her voice tinged with disappointment.

Erin's heart ached at the sadness evident in the midfielder's eyes.

Those hazel orbs, once vibrant with a warm sparkle, now lacked their usual luster, the light extinguished by the burden of regret and sorrow. As the captains gaze flickered up, meeting Erin's, there was a haunting emptiness, a silent plea for understanding amidst the tumult of emotions swirling within her.

The power those eyes held.

"Tell me," the blonde pleaded softly as she stepped closer, cold fingers reaching out as she gently took Alexia's hand in hers, her fingers intertwining with the captain's in a comforting gesture, her gaze searching for answers, "I want to remember. I want to know how it felt."

But the midfielder hesitated, her gaze flickering with uncertainty as she repeated, her voice trailing off, "But you don't share the memory. It doesn't change anything now..."

"Please," the blonde whispered, her hand reaching up to tenderly tuck a stray strand of hair behind Alexia's ear, her touch gentle and pleading, causing the captains eyes to flutter shut. Her voice was barely above a whisper as she added, "It might help me remember"

At Erin's earnest plea, Alexia's eyes opened, a powerful gaze meeting hers with a tender intensity that mirrored the moon's gentle glow, hazel eyes sparkling with emotion as she finally relented.

"Okay," she murmured softly, her voice filled with a mix of hesitation and longing.

Erin's heart skipped a beat as she gathered the courage to ask the question that had been weighing on her mind.

"What about... the kiss?" she inquired, her voice trembling with anticipation. "Did we... when did we..."

"Créeme, no fui la que te besé primero" the brunette's exhale trembled, her lips parting in a hesitant chuckle that danced between uncertainty and amusement.

Erin furrowed her brow, a slight tremor in her voice. "Um... my Spanish isn't the best, so-"

"Let me remind you that I wasn't the one kissing you, Bonita," the midfielder repeated in Erin's mother tongue, a playful glimmer in her hazel eyes as she smirked, reveling in the blonde's bewildered expression.

Erin's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she processed Alexia's words, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and curiosity.

"So, we... I kissed... you...?" she ventured tentatively, her voice laced with uncertainty.

Alexia chuckled softly, nodding in confirmation.

"Si, Bonita," she confirmed, her hazel eyes shimmering in the moonlight as she gently cupped the blonde's cheek.

The warmth of her touch, the tenderness in her gaze, enveloped Erin in a comforting embrace, causing her to melt into the captain's hand, her eyes fluttering shut in a moment of surrender.

The power that touch held.

"Bonita... Look at me," Alexia whispered, her voice close and soothing.

And when Erin opened her eyes, she found herself captivated by the soft smile gracing Alexia's tender lips, the gentle caress of the captain's thumb on her cheek having her entire body shiver.

"It was the best kiss I could've ever imagined," she reassured, her voice a gentle murmur that wrapped around Erin like a warm embrace.

The blonde nodded, a sense of relief flooding through her as she exhaled softly.

But as her gaze flickered toward the marine blue armchair beside the master bed, memories of the morning after rushed back with a jolt.

"And- then we..." Erin began, gesturing toward the sleeping area, her voice trailing off as she struggled to find the right words. "Did I... did I pressure you into-"

"I didn't sleep with you, Bonita," Alexia interjected, her voice unwavering yet filled with tenderness. "I'd never take advantage of someone in that state, especially not someone I care about."

At the sound of these words, the blondes mind went blank.

"We didn't have... sex?"


now who did expect that? you and your dirty little minds.

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