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gentle nudge that stars and comments are the ultimate motivation to write! now grab a cup of caramel cappuccino, settle in, and enjoy reading! fingers crossed you like this one! ☕️

Stirring awake to a soothing sound of a wave breaking, Erin cracks an eye open at the cheerful chirping of a bird above. A seagull hovers in the fresh morning air, and as the blonde blinks open her other eye, she senses the refreshing yet slightly cool breeze, warmed by the sun's rays on her pale, bare skin.


Taking a deep breath, Erin's tired eyelids flutter shut as she rolls on her side, reaching for the thin blanket by her feet and pulls it over her exhausted limbs.

Just as the blonde begins to doze off again, hesitant footsteps behind her startle her into sudden alertness.

Sitting up abruptly, she's about to demand, "Who the hell are-" but her raspy words are drowned out by the throbbing headache and the sharp migraine coursing through her brain.


"Sounds like last night was a blur you'd rather forget?" the woman ponders, elbows casually finding support on the railing, while her gaze lingers on the crystal-clear, turquoise water and the breathtaking scenery of the endless that surrounded them.

This place was truly second to none.

Erin is momentarily caught off guard by the unexpected inquiry.

"L-Last night?" she stammers, cold fingers twirling through her blonde curls. Her gaze subtly traces the contours of the woman's athletic frame as she rasps, "Care to shed some light on-"

"I understand," the stranger interjects, tender lips pressed into a flat line, revealing the tension in the air. Taking a deep breath, the brunette looks down at her hands, the subtle clenching indicating suppressed emotions, "You don't remember."

Remember what?

Erin's delicate lips purse, a helpless attempt to articulate a response, furrowed brows reflecting the struggle.

However, the throbbing strength of the migraine was overwhelming, leaving her in a state of wordless vulnerability.

Before the blonde could weave together a coherent sentence or grasp the fragments of the previous night, the athletic woman gracefully sauntered into the luxurious cabin.

Her bleached hair, caught in a whimsical dance with the wind, framed the alluring details of the white robe that clung seductively to her shoulders, revealing a hint of the forgotten night.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!?" the blonde snaps, hastily rising to her feet as the stranger swiftly disappears inside, but the movement proves too rapid, leaving cold hands instinctively reaching for her temples.

Migraine never happened.

The blonde stumbles into the cabin, her slender figure wrapped into the delicate white blanket that clings to her curves as she followed the stranger.

The moment she enters the waterside retreat, the realization of what must've happened unfolds.


A mess of a hotel room was undoubtedly the result of a steamy night, with clothes strewn across the floor, expensive champagne bottles, both open and closed, along with a myriad of empty and partially-filled glasses that adorned the side table by the lounge.

The air inside was heavy, undoubtedly the reason the brunette had opened the window near the tousled bed, and as Erin's bewildered gaze drifts across the messy hotel room, tired eyes settled on a particular navy blue item atop the comfortable armchair.

A slip.

In that moment, a fragment of a steamy memory flickers to life in Erin's mind.

"Still drawing a blank about last night?" the woman teases, playfully arching and eyebrow as she picks up the delicate piece of clothing, expertly tossing it to the bewildered blonde who remains rooted by the patio door.

Catching her laced slip, Erin engages in a comedic struggle while she fumbles to put it on, awkwardly trying to hold the blanket and hide her naked body as she mutters in annoyance, "Ugh, don't tell me you never blacked out before"

A blackout.

"Seems like those memory blackouts are a regular occurrence?" the brunette chuckles, finding amusement in the spectacle of the blonde meticulously gathering every piece of her clothing around the entire hotel room.

"Personally, I've never had the misfortune of blacking out," the brunette shrugs as she saunters toward the door, "wouldn't trade the memory of heavenly moments I've encountered for anything."

Heavenly moments.

Erin lingered momentarily, captivated by the breathtaking woman standing by the door.

However, a subtle throat clearing snapped her back to reality.

"Well, there's got to be some logic behind the forgetfulness," the blonde nonchalantly attempts to deflect, slipping into the short black dress and adjusting it with a casual grace, while the woman's gaze remained fixed on her.

As Erin glances up, her breath momentarily stalls, catching in her throat at the sight of the stranger's sparkling hazel eyes focused intently on her.

The power those eyes held.

"So, um..." the blonde begins, casting her gaze downward before gracefully making her way toward the door, the weight of the brunette's eyes palpable.

Uncertain about what else to say, she reaches for the doorknob, but just as her cold hand hovers, warm fingers encircle her slender wrist.

"Wait," the stranger murmurs, her breath carrying the blend of various alcoholic drinks, while sparkling hazel eyes remain locked onto Erin's.

The power those eyes held.

"Last night was..." the brunette starts, momentarily hesitating before pressing on, "it was...special. Too bad it slipped from your memory."

Erin remains wordless, grappling with the right response, but before she can articulate anything, the stranger reaches around her, warm fingertips deftly navigating the zipper on her back, pulling it up with care.

The contact of those warm fingers with the bare, cold skin beneath the fabric had the blonde shiver.

The power that touch held.

"If the memories ever decide to resurface... you know where to find me. My vacation here lasts a few more days."


blackout - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now