Chapter 19

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The blonde looked over at the boys and smiled before going back to planning the ball she hosted every year where gangs would drop their problems and come have a nice night.
She sighed and rubbed her face " I swear this used to be so much fun" Sam looked at her "what used to be so much fun?" "The ball I'm planning it's where gangs all over some and enjoy themselves rather than keep fighting"

He nodded "that does sound nice but how can you be so sure they won't try something?" She smiled "security and metal detectors they get pat down after walking through the detectors" she leaned back in her chair. Her eyes focused on the files on her desk "ok so just use the same plans as last year then just change the theme" she smiled at Sam "I love you and your damn brain" she hummed and set aside her work. "Are you to just gonna sit in my office and play on your phones?" The boys nodded "how about I show you around the house then take you to the warehouse" she rang Kayla " hey can you do me a favor and gather The others so they can get a tour of the warehouse"

Her hips swayed as she walked out of her office Kayla by her side. Jack and Sam following not too far behind them. She smiled as Alice and Simon bowed "hey kids" she patted Simon's head. Mark, jai and the others were behind them climbing into the first six passenger suv's. while Kat climbed into the second one along with Kayla, Sam ,jacks, Carli,SeoJun and Eric. Kat yawned and laid her head on Sam's shoulder. He patted her head "what time did you wake up" "um like 4:30am" she hummed "anyways to the warehouse"

The driver nodded and smiled. Little did the group know they were gonna be attacked. Kat leaned forward and whispered to Kayla "tell me you have that bad feeling too?" Kay nodded "I do I think it has to do with what we talked about earlier today" Kat sat back and dug around the back to make sure she had a gun. She strapped it to her waist as Kay handed Sam and jacks guns "I hope you guys know how to work these" "why do we need these?" "Some vampire have this kinda instinct and right now it's just good to be prepared" Kay smiled and turned back into her seat.

Right as the driver turned the car they were hit by a speeding car.  Carli held down Kay and SeoJun as the car flipped a few times. Kat hissed out in pain as the car skidded to a stop up against other suv. Kat looked around to see most of her group knocked out. Kat cried out as she undid her seat belt. She fell against the roof of the car. The blonde landed on glass she held back a scream as she crawled out.  "It's ok Kathrina just help them out" she spoke to herself as her hand shook.

Carli groaned as she came to."Kathrina" her voice called out "Carli I'm ok just help Kay and Seo I got the driver and the boys" her voice cracked as she cried in pain.  She slowly cut the seatbelt of the driver and pulled him out laying him up against a tree. She winced as she cut Sam's seatbelt. "Come on Sammy I need you to wake up" she whispered as she pulled him out. "Shit" jacks cried out in pain "jacks can you move" she called out as she pulled Sam near the driver. "No not much" his words were slurred a bit. Kat screamed as she turned into a male with a gun pointed at her.

"Well well if it isn't the big bad leader of the roses miss Kathrina Ross"  she looked at him " Jackson you don't have to do this" Sam slowly stared to wake. Eric was on the other side of the car pulling jacks out. " ya know kitty you are such a dumb bitch" he laughed. "Don't your remember your own words babe" he moved closer to her. "Never trust anyone no matter how close they are" mark walked up behind him with a smile on her face. "Mark how could you" Kat shook her head "we all trusted you. You're supposed to be our friend" she screamed at the girl.

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