Chapter four❤️

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Tw : suicide and self harm scars
A/n: yes people do get triggered by sh scars I don't understand it but do you buddy.

Kat groaned as her alarm went off. She sat up rubbing her face. Her phone read. - September 21 9:30 am- " damn it" she groaned it was the birthday of her best friend Kyle. She turned the alarm off and went to wash her face. She got ready for the day. Kat knew it was be a very long day. She waddled back to her bed and just laid there crying. She had missed him and he missed many of things they were supposed to do together.

Three hours later~

Kat got a notification that people were in a call so she decided to join to get her mind off thing. " hey Kat" Akira's voice called " hi honey how are you" Kat loved akira because he was always so sweet to her after she told them about a girl they all called their friend. Just thinking about that day made her a little sad and angry. She shook her head " sorry I wasn't paying attention"
" it's alright Kat I'm doing good" " that's good akira" they went on for the next hour and half about random things. Talking to them always made her feel better. Kat rubbed her scars on her arms as she zoned out. " Kat you ok?"hibiki's voice called to her."oh yeah sorry hibi I kinda zoned out what's up" "oh nothing you just went quiet just checking." "Yeah sorry I think ima get off for the night " she hummed as everyone said their goodbyes.

Kat rolled over after she put her phone on the charger. She looked at the man she claimed to love. Kat had an interview for another job and she was gonna take it and move out leaving him behind. She explained that she need to branch out on her own and he understood agreeing and when time was right they would try again.
The next morning ~
Kat sat up rubbing her face. He had already left for work and her friend was gonna give her a ride to move her stuff into her new place. After sometime of packing Kat sat down on the floor to call her friend " hey Emily I just wanted to see how far you were" " oh I'm here are you ready" Emily's brothers helped Kat load her things into the truck and move them. Kat climbed into the truck with Emily " to new beginnings " she was handed a small bottle of fireball " really em the nasty shit " she sat the bottle down and shook her head. Emily drove till they made it to the new apartment.

Kat jumped out and went to pick up the keys. " please enjoy your stay with us miss ross" she just nodded. She made her way to Emily " ok I got the keys let's go" she hopped back into the truck. They pulled up to the building she was now living in" this is a nice place KitKat" they all got out the truck and started unloading her things into the new place. " I don't see why you need to be alone in a two bedroom apartment " " because I just need the space"

Three hours later~
Kat laid on her living room floor smiling. Tomorrow all her furniture was arriving and she didn't have to worry. She got up and went to shower before hopping into bed. She smiled once more as she joined the vc" hey guys". It was just her ,Sam and jai in the call" hi Kat whatcha doing?" " relaxing In my own Bed in my new place" she yawned rubbing her face " baby you sound sleepy maybe you should sleep" she whined "but I'm not sleepy" not even ten minutes Kat had fallen asleep to the sound of jai and Sam's voice .

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