Chapter one 💔

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She had came home to her grandmother yelling at her to clean her room and wash the dishes. She did them as she was asked but never bothered to clean her room because she didn't care. She grumbled as she dragged herself to her room and plopped onto the bed dozing off for a few hours.

Kat rolled over checking her phone which read 7:38pm "oh shit it's late" she mumbled sitting up rubbing her face forgetting she had makeup on. She got out of bed stumbling over the piles of clothes and shoes she had everywhere on the way she grabbed clean clothes to shower. Once she made it to the bathroom she looked at herself in the mirror. She hated looking in the mirror.

She quickly showered as she got out she dried herself" I need to eat and do my homework" she sighed as she dressed herself and walked out the bathroom just to be yelled at for falling asleep after a long day of school.

She walked to the kitchen to find food and once again nothing good so she just made a noodle . Once the food was done she sat at the table on her phone. She texted with friends she found comfort in online. She ate half of her food before tossing in the trash . Kat found her way back into her room just to lay in bed texting and watching videos. She placed her phone one the charger and eventually fell back to sleep.

It was the same routine every day except the weekend. The alarm rang in her ear which caused her to roll out of bed. Kat groaned " son of a bitch that fucking hurt" she rubbed her face. Her clothes were set on her desk" I don't wanna go to that place called hell " she grumbled getting dressed. All of her stuff was in the same place she left it. She grabbed her stuff and made her way to the car where her friends waited for her." Morning Kat" "morning Elisa " they had a routine despite Elisa's brother and Kat having a love hate relationship. He still picked her up for school because she bought him food and gave him gas money. They made it to the school " ok Kat I'll see you at lunch right?" "Yeah of course Elisa see you then" she smiled as she made her way up the stairs to her first class.

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