Chapter three 🕸️

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The Ross family was eating happily and joking like they loved each other but Kathrina just wanted to go home and be away from these people. Two hours after eating and talking they finally went back to her family home to grab some of her stuff so she could leave and get away from that hell hole. She was doing monthly check in with Sam but at this point she was just giving him updates on her life and the things that were happening.

A month later ~
Kat woke up the new routine she created as a bit crazy but she enjoyed it. Soon she found herself talking to Sam nearly everyday. He added her into a group chat that she just calls a family of arsonists. Her birthday was coming up and she was really excited to tell her new found friends. She sent a message 'hey guys how is everyone?😊'she giggled to herself as she got up and got ready for her day.
Night rolled around and she once again found herself talking to them. If she wasn't talking to them she was playing apex alone due to Sam getting her hooked on it. She spent her free time talking to them or spending with her boyfriend Colby.

A week later~
Kat laid in bed reading a book when she got a text from jai 'hey Kat what are you doing?' 'Nothing much what's up?' 'Nothing wanna vc' 'sure why not'
They spent the next three hours talking. Others joining in as well.
Marks laugh could be heard as she made stupid joking. Her and jai were joking around with each other. Kat shook her head giggling " I swear y'all are something else " at some point in the night she left the call to catch up on some sleep. She didn't talk to them for about two weeks she spent her time now dancing and enjoying her summer before she got a new job at a daycare.
Kat loved working with kids because they were just adorable. One day after work she seen everyone was in a voice call so she joined " hey guys" everyone went quiet before greeting her.

Hours later~
" well guys I think ima head to bed now" she spoke as she yawned " yeah I think you need some rest Kat" Sam spoke up. She had grown fond of sam and Jai but never mentioned it. She hung up and turned over falling asleep with her plush toy next to her in the bed. She made it a point for everyone to know she's obsessed with snorlax and anything related to him.

A/n : I really did make it a point for them to know I love snorlax.

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