Chapter 21

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Argus Facility 8:00 P.M

Shazam and 3 other Agents were walking to get to Arthur Cell.

Then out of nowhere a familiar face was to be seen.

Shazam: Captain to what do I owe the pleasure?

Captain Atom: Greetings Shazam or do you prefer to call you Captain Marvel ?

Shazam: Shazam is fine

Captain Atom: well I wasn't around for a while and I came back and I witnessed a new world war that broke out.

I'm here to help where is your Boss?

Shazam: that would be awesome Batman would be pleased.

Captain Atom: so what's the plan ?

Captain Marvel: well glad you asked , we are here to integrate Arthur Curry King of Atlantis and former member of the Justice League of America.

Since you're here let me inform the Big man then we can do the job.

Captain Atom sounds good.

Mean while in Batcave

The Bat computer was Alerted and Diana answered.

Diana: Shazam ? Is something wrong?

Shazam : No Wonder Woman just wanted to inform Batman that Captain Atom is Back and he wants to help.

Diana: That's great another valuable counterpart on our side it's gonna help ous a lot , But Bruce is not here but I will tell him that you called, he going to be a lot more calm.

Shazam: so stick to plan or wait for orders?

Diana: Yes stick to the plan we don't have any minute to lose time is money.

Shazam: Roger that Shazam out.

Diana: took a breath and thought about the stuff that has happened recently , a lot of life was lost
And many others were injured, she found out that she was pregnant.

Soon to be a mother while she and her husband are involved in a war.

Bruce called for her honey where are you?

Diana: Bruce just thinking about all that has happened lately.

Bruce embraced her from and kissed her neck and said I know honey, but we will get through it together.

Diana: closed her eyes and said I know but promise me when this over, you get rest with me so we can if focus on our child's future.

Bruce joked if she isn't born before it ends

Diana laughed so she is a she now ?

Bruce : I just want to have daughter you know ?

Diana blushed and said me too and then they kissed.

Back to the Argus

Shazam and Captain Atom are in the Integration room

Shazam: Arthur, you need to help yourself by helping us we might be able you, of course if you help us.

As long as you cooperate, we won't get to beat you said Captain Atom.

Arthur: fuck you Atom your lucky that i am m in handcuffs
If I wasn't I would have snapped your neck
and you kid I'm not Arthur to you, talk to me again like that and I will cut your tongue.

Hours passed and there was no result so they thought i could be a good idea to go out for some fresh air and give Arthur to think more.

They came back after a few hours proximately 3 hours.

Shazam: So, what you think cap? Batman has ordered us to do what is necessary to get information should we beat him?

Captain atom: Honestly Billy Boy i have no idea how about we put him behind cells

then we decide what to do we both know Batman codes and since we know he gave us that order without truly want it as others used to say desperate times call for desperate Meusers.

6 Hours later..... 

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