Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Hours ago at Themyscira

Black Adam and Aqua man and Ocean Master and All Atlantis Army Attacked Themyscira.

Amazons fought Courageous but at the End they lost


Black Adam: Amazons listen not All of you have to die, Just surrender your Queen and I will let others live.

Artemis: we will never betray our queen and our Gods Will Avenge ous.

Black Adam: Gods? you mean those Scared Losers who left you and your people to Die infront of ous.

Black Adam: I will say this one last time surrender your queen or die.

Hippolyta if you surrender now I swear to God of wisdom Thoth that I will spare your Amazons.

Black Adam: Well it seems your Queen is less than nothing she prefers all of you die then her, than sacrifice her own for all of you.

Arthur will you do the honor and kill that little girl.

Arthur: With Pleasure Ocean Master.

Ocean Master: Yes. my Lord?

Arthur: Kill her

Ocean Master: Yes. My Lord.

As the time Ocean Master went to kill little Girl Who was Donna Diana's Little Sister

Hippolyta Shouted No.

Hippolyta: No Please don't hurt my daughter I will surrender.

Black Adam: Well,Well it's an honor to finally see the Queen

herself so this young girl is your daughter , now I think she has many resemblance to Wonder woman.

Arthur: Bow to the King of seas and then I may let your daughter go.

Hippolyta Bowed.

Arthur: Now that's better.

Atlantis warriors put queen and her daughter in Chain.

Hippolyta shouted but you said you will let others go?

Black Adam: That was before I knew she is your daughter and like Arthur said we don't kill her we didn't said we will let her go.

Superman will be pleased. And he laughed maniacally.

Hippolyta: You monsters will pay for your crimes. Gods will turn you all into Ash.

Ocean Master: Not now your highness you are not in any position to say things like that or make any promises that you cannot keep.

Present Time: Metropolis Lex Corp Tower:

Superman: Oh No Mr. Wayne don't break my heart actually I am right in the position to talk about whatever I want.

Lex Luther: and How is that?

Superman: oh no Lex it is not your concern at all.

It's is just Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Concern.

Bruce: How? He said angrily.

Superman: as long as I have you Mother in Law and Sister in Law in my Position that concern you and your Wife and that will make you do whatever I pleased.

Bruce: your Bluffing.

Then out of nowhere Black Adam came with one of his hands on Hippolyta's and The other hand on Donnas.

Diana Shouted Mother. And tried to run but Bruce Stopped her.

Superman: Don't make mistake Mrs. Wayne I give you and your husband a Chance.

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