Chapter 8

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Chapter 08: Amazonian Coronation Day:

As Bat-family went Back to Gotham, they went to Wayne Manor and Then Bat-cave.

Batman: Everyone Gather everything you need we leave in an Hour.

Diana went to their Room and Bruce followed her.

Bruce Hugged her from Back and Buried his face in her Hair and Said:

Diana Are you okay?

Diana: Yeah Bruce I'm fine just a little worried.

Bruce: Worried about What?

Diana: I not sure if I'm ready for Leading a nation and I don't want to lose you Bruce. She said while Tears came out of her eyes.

Bruce: Diana don't say that you will amazing and you will never lose me I will Always be at your back and support you.

Diana look at Bruce Blue Eyes and said: Oh Bruce, and Kissed him on Lips I Love you Bruce Thomas Wayne.

Bruce: I Love you too Princess.

And they Hugged each other and held each other for an Hour.

Finally, Alfred came in and said Master Bruce Miss Diana we are ready.

Bruce said: we will be there Alfred.

Alfred: very good sir.

Bruce took Diana's hand and Said: Shall we my Princess and kissed her Hand.

Diana: Smiled yes we Shall my beloved Knight.

Then they went down stairs, there everyone where waiting for Them

As the Got in New Bat-Wing, they Flew to Themyscira During the Flight no one said a word.

Finally, Themyscira shores were Visible from Batwing windows when Donna Shouted were her and Ran to Diana and Hugged her.

After They Landed on the Shores, they didn't see anyone they got out of the Batwing.

Diana hold Donnas hand and Started to Walking.

Batman: Something Fishy is happening around here last time I was here. Themyscira wasn't this much Quiet.

Diana Lead everyone to Royal Palace until they saw Artemis running to Them and she hugged Diana so hard.

Artemis: Sister your Back, I'm so happy to see you again I am really sorry I couldn't protect the Queen, they got her.

Diana: It's okay Artemis its only half of the Story.

Artemis: What you mean by its only half of Story?

Diana: Artemis my Mother is Dead, Superman that son of.... Snapped her neck in front of me and I couldn't do anything

If have tried Donna would be Gone too.

Tears started come from Diana eyes.

Artemis: I can't believe Queen Hippolyta is really dead?

Batman assure her by his head move.

Artemis: So in means you're here for Coronation right?

Diana: Said yes all of ous me my Husband and all our Cult are here for Coronation. Diana throw away tears from her eyes and said where are others Artemis?

Artemis: They are at Athena's Temple with Antiope and praying Athena to help ous it seems she answered Our prays by sending you.

As Artemis finished everyone walked to Athena Temple

As they Entered Amazons Were Shocked to See this mans on Themyscira but as they see Diana beside them they felt a little Relief.

Antiope ran to Diana and Hugged her, Diana welcome home.

Athena heard our prayed and sent you back to ous.

Diana: Antiope Please gather all Sisters in Royal Hall I need to Tell something that Everyone should hear.

Antiope: As you wish princess.

Then she left after an hour all Amazons gathered in Royal Hall

Diana Stood up and look to all Amazons and Shouted.

Diana: Sisters Queen Hippolyta is Dead, She Was Murdered by Greatest Evil in Universe Superman she was murdered In front of me and my Husband.

Today we came back to Themyscira so I take lead of our Glorious Nation and Planning to Avenge Queens death.

Suddenly all Amazons Shouted Revenge and Started to Cheer for Diana's speech.

Then Antiope Came in Said Amazons go and Prepare for Coronation we need a new leader.

As The Show Started, Diana wore her Royal Chiton and she Sit on Hippolyta's Throne then Amazons given her Royal Crown and Jeweler's and Coronation started after reading and praying gods for the new Queen Antiope put the Crown on Diana's head and introduced her to Amazons

Queen Diana of Themyscira

And then all Amazons Cheered for their new Queen.

Then Diana Stand up from the Throne and Said:

Sisters my Mother loved Themyscira, and she did her best to Protect her people at any cost by hiding ous from Man's world

But this will end Today as the new Queen of Themyscira my first order is to let Amazons leave this Shores if they please we want more than hiding.

I have been living in Man's world for years I see the good in them I even fell in love, I got married to the best of Mans

They might have some problems that Amazon Law doesn't accept it but it doesn't mean that they all are evil.

So Get ready sisters from now on Changes will come to our precious Shores I will build Embassy in Gotham City for Themyscira and How many of you that want you can live in peace in Gotham the City that is under my Husbands Protection From now on Stay Sharp because Evil is Waiting for out there I promise that I will Execute that Murderer Who Killed My Mother Former Queen of Themyscira. After her speech finished Antiope Shouted All Hail Queen Diana of Themyscira. And She and all Amazons Bowed to her at same time. In the next Day Diana hold a great funeral for Former Queen of Themyscira. And with Help of Batman's Tech the Build a Golden Statue of Queen Hippolyta herself on her Grave.Diana and Bruce were Holding Hand During all the Funeral. Later That Night Diana and Bruce Hold each other in Their Arms and slept together.

The Next Morning It was time to leave some of Amazons decided to Stay and Protect the Island.

And Batman Built them a Teleporter and gave them a way to Contact their Queen. Artemis Stayed to Keep them in Line.

While Antiope and Others Joined the Bat family and left the island.

After the Came Back to Gotham: Batman immediately Asked for a meeting with all of his followers and gave them the news while they are getting ready for Presidential Election. And Then Batman Built Themyscira's Embassy Near Wayne Tower with Greek Design and Diana Opened it. The Head of Embassy became Antiope. Mean While Superman and all his followers Gathered in Fortress of Solitude and Discussing Their Next Move.

What is Superman's next move?

What will happen?

Find out in next Chapter.

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