Chapter 14:

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As Alfred was doing paper works to relieve Bruce from Hospital, Diana was helping her husband to move and get his things, Doctor Told him not to a lot and don't rush on hard work. And that exactly was the impossible thing to is to keep Bruce at one place. She started to remember The first day she met Him.

Diana became curious because she didn't know what her mother meant about the man's world.

Because She was on the Paradise Island with Woman s who hates man.

Diana made the decision that she will run away and go to the Man's world.

That Night she went to The Temple of Athena and Stole the Shield, The Lasso of Hestia, Sword and Bracelets.

She dressed the Armor and took the invisible jet and drove up into the sky and said Mother Forgive me.

As she watched her island disappears.

Diana Saw the Sunset and Wondered of Beauty here

After Hours Flying in the Dark.

Diana Started seeing many Big Buildings, but she was amazed with the color of the clouds and atmosphere were black.

Diana Landed her plane on a building that has a distress Signal with a Bat-symbol.

When she didn't see anyone. She looked behind her, and saw a person wearing a Bat Costume. a man with a huge structure, and completely white eyes. Dressed like a Vampire or a Bat.

She asked him who are you? With a fearful and confident tone.

Gotham City:

After Batman finished Chasing the Joker and Took Him Back to Asylum. he saw The Bat-Signal so he came of the GCPD ( Gotham City Police Department) Rooftop.

He Saw a Woman in a Strange Costume, he was standing behind her.

And When She asked him.

He said, I am The Dark Knight, The Protector of Gotham.

Who are you?

She answered with confidence, I Am Diana Princess of Themyscira.

But You Can Call me Diana.

And he said well, Princess Diana, you are in Gotham and I don't require any help. he said in a seriously tone and Gave the Glow of the Bat and left without another word.

Diana Start to Think about Batman. She Wanted to Know

Why he Became a soulless Tyrant

What Was the legitimate accident that Caused the man lose all of his feelings?

Since that day Diana was curious that who is the man Behind the bat, she met after a while with Others Heroes on Man's world.

While she used to sleep in her Invisible Jet.

She started to Doing heroin stuff in Gotham despite Batman told her not to interfere with his city.

The more she hangs out with him, and his friends some changes started to show in both of their Souls, that was so new for princess of Amazons despite being new, she loved the feeling.

Until one Day that everything Changed the day that earth great heroes met their greatest Enemy the Man of steel the master mind and super powerful Criminal that almost Killed all of Them, before that no one knew Batman's secret identity.

That all happened when Superman Fellows Captured them and it took a while for them to get away that day was the day that They Should Trust each other so they all reviled their secret identities

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