Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Cops: Freeze Don't move, or we will shoot?

Batman: What's going on? what is the meaning of this?

Captain: we have orders from the mighty superman to arrest you and take you all to Metropolis.

Batman: IS that so?

Then suddenly Batman throw smoke bombs infront of them.

Batman and all his followers escaped immediately and went to another hid out in swears.

Green Lantern: Batman what should we do?

Batman: Stick to plan. We will split up and will we contact when we are done?

Is that understood?

Everyone: Yes, sir.

Batman: Good luck.

And so the resistant League split up. Mean while in Metropolis Police department.

Police Chief: What is wrong with you people? you losers must be the best I have in here

But you that Bat and His followers escaped.

You all know if he finds out, we all are doom right?

Superman: He find what out chief? You know I don't like to guess

So just say it.

Chief: I'm so sorry sir but they escaped. But my man did all they could.

Superman: all they could, did they fight to last man , don't answer I know it already your mans are useless they could not Catch a Freak in a Halloween Costume .

Chief: He is not just any Freak, He is the Batman, and you yourself know what he is capable of.

Superman: Of course I know, but you people don't understand that his weakness if you just hurt his followers or maybe killed them.

You cloud win. There are no many Super power hero's in his crew.

Only His wife , Green Lantern , The Flash , Martian Man hunter, and Shazam, have superpowers

The other members are just mere human.

You can hurt him most by just killing his children and step children

Chief: But sir If we kill them , people will get scared? And they wont support you anymore.

Superman: Good if they know , who is the boss they will never disagree with my orders.

Now order your man to go find them , look under every rock and don't call me until you catch them or killed them just keep the boss alive

I want to kill him myself

Chief: Yes sir, You hear him go go go .

Mean while in White hall:

Night wing batgirl and robin are helping and arguing with Waller.

Night wing: Mrs. Waller we need to be fast, Batman Sent ous to help you get ready.

Waller: okay, what's batman's plan?

Night wing : were not sure yet , but everyone has a plan.

While they are talking Batgirl and Robin went to find Trever.

Batgirl: Mr.Trever?

Steve: What are you guys doing here?

Robin: Batman sent ous to help.

Steve: What about Waller?

Batgirl: Don't worry someone else is working on her.

Waller: Okay all secret plans are moved , and all my people are armed

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