Forty Seven ~ The good, The bad...

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"You got something you want to say to me? You gonna clear the air? Step up on that high horse?" the guy with the extensive scarring glared at Daryl, Phoebe glanced at him from the corner of her eye and saw Daryl shifting as if trying to stop himself from attacking.

"No, you don't talk much" he smirked before nodding three of his men forward who started patting them down removing any weapons the guy shifted the crossbow in his hands and that's when she recognised it, the crossbow that was taken from Daryl all those months ago.

"Still getting the hang of her, kicks like a bitch but erh..." 

"I should have done it" Daryl cut him off but the guy just scoffed.

"Oh what's that? Seriously i didn't catch what you said"

"I should have killed you" Daryl answered staring him down.

The guy nodded "Yeah, you probably should have...So here we are, kinda begs the question right? Who brought this on who? I mean i get you'll just have to take my word for this but...She wasn't even the one i was aiming for" 

The prick didn't even spare a glance at Denise's body laying a few feet away still on the tracks "Like i said, kicks like a bitch. Nothing personal" he sighed "Look this is how we like to start new business arrangements but well, you pricks kind of set the tone didn't you?" 

"What do you want?" Rosita snapped.

"I'm sorry darlin' i didn't catch your name. I'm D or Dwight you can call me either" he smiled but there was no fire in his eyes, didn't stop Phoebe from grimacing but Rosita didn't speak "So? What's your name?"

"Rosita, what do you want?" she shot back when he tightened his grip on Eugene's shirt, he had Eugene on his knees in front of him.

"Well Rosita, it's not what i want it's what you, Daryl and...I'm sorry i didn't catch your name" he looked at the other brunette with the group, he had to force himself not to back down from the heat of her gaze. Something about it promised vengeance and he'd have to guess it was to do with the dead woman.


"Right, it's what you three are going to do...You're going to let us into your little complex, it looks like it's just beautiful in there and then you're going to let us take whatever and whoever we want...Or we blow Eugene's brains out and then yours" he nodded to Rosita "Then his followed by you" he glanced at Phoebe.

"I hope it doesn't come to that"

"Well it's more likely to happen because we're not letting you in" Phoebe all but mocked him, for she'd rather die then let them into Alexandrea.

"No body else has to die" he challenged but she was set "We try and start with one, you know maximum impact to get our point across, so what's it going to be? You tell me" 

"You want to kill someone" Eugene blubbered suddenly "You should start with our companion hiding over there by the oil barrels. He's a first class A-hole and he deserves it so much more then us four" 

Phoebe wasn't the only one who glanced over to the barrels "Go check it out" Dwight ordered and one man left the group frowning she looked back at Eugene who's eyes were locked on her, tilted her head slightly she tried to read his expressions, he clearly had a plan.

Before she could even begin to figure out what he spun on his knees latching his teeth into Dwight's groin causing the scarred man to scream out in agony then gunfire started, moving to her right she slammed her elbow into a fat mans face making him stumble back. She gripped the rifle in his hands and used as much force as she could to slam it into his sternum, he gasped out as she ripped it from his hands as he fought for breath but she turned and shot him not even watching him crumble before she turned and started shooting.

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