Thirty ~ Seperated

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"Carl!" Rick yelled stumbling in, he was in a bad way for sure "Phoebe!" he stopped seeing two walkers approaching him but they fell limp and Carl was stood behind them with a rifle.

Rick started to cry when Carl ran forward hugging his father who looked like shit "Judith? Have you seen Phoebe or Judith?" 

"I haven't seen them" Carl pulled back looking at his father with wide eyes, infact he hadn't seen anyone, the two Grimes men kept walking in search for the Grimes women but paused when they saw Judys car seat.

Rick's knees buckle when he sees the inside of the car seat, the materal was soaked red and a small puddle of blood had pooled at the bottom but there was no baby. Both males sobbing at the sight knowing she was most likely dead "Come on we need to leave" Rick sobbed holding his son tightly.

Father and son would have a tough time, Rick barely being able to walk and Carl was a ticking time bomb waiting to happen. In his mind both Judith and his aunt were dead and he couldn't help but blame his father knowing if he'd have killed the Governor before then he wouldn't have lost everything.

On the second morning Carl tries to wake his father but the only reply he got was from two walkers outside the house trying to get in attracted to his shouts for Rick to wake up, leaving the house he made quick work leading them off before he shot them further away.

"I killed three walkers" he stated taking in Ricks beaten body on the couch watching the shallow rise and falling of his fathers chest, the only indication he was alive "They were at the door, they were gonna get in but i lured them away. I killed them, i saved you! I didn't forget while you were playing farmer i still know how to survive, lucky for us right?"

The people he needed the most always died so maybe he should just stop, maybe he should only need himself that way no one else would leave him.

"I don't need you anymore, i don't need you to protect me anymore i can take care of myself. You probably can't protect me anyways, you couldn't protect Judith! You couldn't protect aunt Phoebe, she was sick, vulnerable and she needed you but you were too busy talking to the Governor. You couldn't protect..." the young teen paused.

"Hershel or Glenn, Maggie, Michonne, Daryl or mom...You just wanted to plant vegetables, you just wanted to hide, he knew where we were and you didn't care! You just hid behind those fences and waited for..." Carl released a deep sigh "They're all gone now because of you! They counted on you! You were their leader! You were her big brother! All those talks about big brother responcibilities...But i guess we both didn't do a good job huh? They relied on us and we both let them down" 

He sat at his fathers feet and cried maybe he's father wasn't entirely to blame...He didn't protect them either.


"Come on Doll wake up" a thick accent pulled her from her unconsciousness.

"Merle?" she grunted wincing at how sore she was.

"That's it Doll, come on lets get you sat up" Phoebe felt two pairs of hands help sit her up leaning against a seat, looking around she saw they were on an empty road.

"You okay Boss?" she turned and saw Big Tiny stood outside the car but she just nodded being bombarded with memories.

They'd lost Dale and others, Daryl making it back, the Governor...Hershel.

"Where are we?" she asked looking around.

"Just off highway 100" Oscar showed her a map and she took it in trying to see anywhere their people could go.

"Have you seen anyone? The bus?" she looked up at Merle who was watching her before he grabbed his bag going through it.

"Not a soul, take this, this is what they gave you at the prison" he handed her a small bottle of pills.

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