Twenty ~ Goodbye Dare

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Phoebe saw Rick and Carl talking a little way off while the others packed the cars, they were having to take two as when they had Glenn and Maggie there'd be no room. She watched as Rick handed Carl his set of keys for the prison then Carl came running towards her.

"Aunt Phoebe! We've named her! The baby she'll be called Judith!" He beams at his Aunt hugging her tightly.

"Oh that's beautiful!" she grins him and he beams even bigger 

"I picked it" he snickered slightly looking proud of himself.

"Thank god I don't want to think what your dad would have named her" she joked and he giggles, Rick came walking over and she pulled him into a much needed hug "I love you Ricky" she whispered into his neck ans he tightened his grip on her but once they pulled away Phoebe said her goodbyes and kissed the babies cheek before they all got in the cars, in Phoebe's jeep was just Oscar and herself. 

After about 40 minutes they pull over to the side of the road "They have patrols. We're better on foot" michonne states still limping slightly but she's strong, that much was obvious.

 "How far?" Rick asks gruffly.

"Nights coming" Phoebe looked at the sky and it was true the sun was starting to set.

"It's a mile maybe two" she says so the group grabbed what they needed from the car and start walking, following Michonne but after a while they all heard walkers.

"Down" Rick whispered and all five of them crouched but there was more then a handful "Get in formation, no gunfire" Rick ordered moving forward, Phoebe unhooked her bow and let her arrows fly "Oscar" Rick wave him on and the man swiped a walkers legs out then delivered a killing blow to it's head.

Phoebe stuck close to Oscar recieving her arrows as she passed any but as she reached down to grab one a walker grabbed her arm, before she could do anything Oscar swung knocking it off her "Thanks" she huffed eyes still wide.

"There's too many of 'em" Daryl called from somewhere behind her.

"This way!" Rick called and Phoebe turned to see more walkers approaching from where they'd came but they all followed Rick further into the forest and they come to a shack "In there, come on" 

Running inside Michonne shut the door "Keep it down" Rick whispered as the rest of them checked the shack, Phoebe's face pulled into a deep grimace at the smell and flies darting around.

"The smell it loud" Daryl covered his nose slightly.

"What the hell is that?" Oscar asked as they saw where the files were coming from.

"It's got to be a fox or what's left of one" Daryl answered as they all slowly walked closer but it was no fox, instead it was a small rough haired dog "Guess lassie went home" 

Phoebe groaned turning away but snapped back when there was pounding on the door, the walkers had found them. Rick whistled gently making her turn back, he had his torch set on a bed which held a large lump.

Rick pulled back the covers on the bed and a man springs up "Who the hell are you!" He shouts.

"We don't mean any harm" Rick says trying to diffuse the situation holding his hands up.

"Get out of my house" The man yelled again holding up a shotgun.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Rick shushes him slightly "We will but we can't right now" 

"Now!" The man yelled again.

"Shut him up" Michonne hissed eyes darting to the door.

"Enough! Get out now!" He yelled once more and Phoebe moved forward slowly, why would he be yelling if he heard the walkers outside, she frowned slightly.

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