Twenty Eight ~ Dominoes Fall

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"Ty let's go" Bob called for the man who was crouched by the river they'd found.

"We lost a full night, my sister and everyone back at the prison are probably dead" Tyreese growled at the man continuing to squeeze his shirt free of the water.

"It helps to keep moving" Bob called again.

"No it doesn't" Ty stood moving on following the others who had already started to leave.

"Is that jasper?" Michonne watched Daryl pick up a stone from the waters edge who hummed wiping it clean "It's a good colour brings out your eyes"

"Mrs. Anderson went into cell block A, when we were leaving, asked me to keep an eye out i'm gonna use it for her old mans marker" Daryl pocketed the small stone.

"You know all of them back there?" Michonne questioned frowning slightly.

"You stay in one place for more then a few hours you'd be surprised at what you pick up" Daryl kept moving.

"Ouch that must've hurt" Merle smirked walking passed her watching as she rolled her eyes.

They all found what looked to be a garage and they found a covered car, Daryl climbed inside and tried to hotwire the car making Merle chuckle from memories before his smile fell flat remembering who was at the heart of that very memory.

"We've got to find us a new battery" Daryl climbed out the car and they all looked around before they all started clearing the thick bushes and ivy that had taken over the enterance of the garage, they watched Ty go in at the bush, no one really understood what to do about him.

Tyreese struggled hitting something that put up a resistance but when he pulled his machete back wire followed, ripping it off he just went back to hacking at the ivy, no one spoke as they watched the man but Daryl jerked back as a decayed hand reached through the bushes grabbing his jacket.

Michonne sliced the hand off freeing Daryl from it's grasp "Look up kid!" Merle pulled his brother back a few paces.

Another two walkers appeared in the bushes, Daryl quickly killed the one in front of him while Michonne moved back to help Bob, Tyreese was trying to pull his walker out of the branches for what reason no one knew.

Tyreese ignored the calls of the others as he finally freed the walker but he lost his balance and landed on his back, the walker was quick to follow and landed on top of the man, Daryl moved forward ripping the walker off while Oscar stabbed it with his machete.

"Why the hell didn't you let go?" Michonne questioned when the man stood but he ignored them.

Walking inside quietly they found it was indeed a garage, "Here we go" Daryl lowered his crossbow grabbing a car battery from the shelves he popped the plastic covering checking the battery.

"Cells look pretty dry" Bob sighed looking at the battery.

"Little distilled water will fix that right up" Merle huffed looking around for the distilled water and they found large puddles of dried up puke.

"The douchbags in the vines took themselves out, holding hands, kumbaya style" Daryl grimaced slightly.

"They wanted to go out together same way they lived that make them douchbags?" Bob asked.

"It does if they could've gotten out" Daryl answered and Merle nodded.

"Everyone makes it until they don't, people nowadays are like dominoes. What they did maybe it was about not having to watch them fall" Bob suggested and Merle chuckled slightly.

"I don't know i used to like how chaotic dominos were" He joked and Daryl shook his head walking off practically ignoring the walker on the floor once he'd seen it couldn't get up.

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