Three ~ Run Goes Balls Up

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A week later Phoebe and Daryl have gotten into a habit of going hunting on opposite days and today was his day to hunt so he had left this morning, the night before the group were talking about sending a small group out for a scavenge run as they needed more soap for cleaning and everyone needed more clothes so Glenn said he would need help.

"I'll go, it's my day off from hunting anyway" Phoebe seconded her friend and her friends as well as Lori and Carl look worried "Come on guys I can handle myself" she warned sternly.

"I'll go" Merle piped up watching the girl "hell it's the reason I'm here right? Firepower?" He smirked and she nodded, most of the group thought he was intense, rude and somewhat racist but no one questioned Phoebes decision due to his quiet brothers hunting skills, Daryl looked towards his brother shocked wondering why he was offering when his been planning on robbing the bunch.

"I'll go too" Tdog nodded towards Phoebe telling her he had her back with his eyes and she smiled gently at the kind man.

"I want to go" Andrea pipes up "I want to help out more then just washing clothes" she says looking at Phoebe pleadingly.

Phoebe thinks about it for a moment then nods "Okay but we will listen to every word Glenn says, he's been to the city more times then any of us" they all nod bar Merle as Glenn blushes looking around nervously.

"Ok so us five will go" but before she can finish two more people spoke up.

"I'm going, you're gonna need more backup" Morales says and his wife looks down sadly into her lap.

"I also want to go, I need to pick up a few bits as well" Jacqui says blushing eyes pointed at the ground.

"Ok that's seven, is that okay?" She ask Glenn and he thinks for a moment.

"I think so, but we'll need to stay quiet and close" he says nodding before looking at Phoebe's face his own becoming determined.

"Great, first thing tomorrow we'll head into the city" everyone nods before going back to what they had to do. In the morning the small group had split into two of the shitter cars and took off to the city.

Quickly reaching the city Glenn pulls the cars over "We're on foot from here, it's the most quiet way" he explained quickly to Phoebe and she nods both of them leading the small group into the city.

Glenn lead them all to an alley "We should shut this, try to control the dead" Merle whispers pointing to the gate and she nods so they both quietly pulled the gate shut then they all headed into the building grabbing clothes, food and anything else the group needed and stuffing it all into their bags

Phoebe saw a few childrens shirts, there were a few there some long sleeved and some short so she packed one of each as well as some trousers and shorts for all of the kids, Phoebe then quickly went to the womans section grabbing some shirts and bottoms for both Lori, Carol and herself.

She found some Black jeans and a black high neck tee Phoebe looked around not seeing anyone she quickly got dressed into the new clothes as hers were absolutely ruined, she found black clothes just lasted longer because of all the grime and blood so she stuck to it, restrapping her weapons belts and her gun holster that attached to her thigh she felt so much better in the new clean clothes.

"I'm going to scout" Glenn by says coming around the corner she was at.

"Okay do you need me to pack you anything?" She questioned the man and he shakes his head.

"I just grabbed what i needed" he smiled gently and quickly headed to the roof she shook her head smiling gently and went back to packing things they might have needed. After about 10 minutes they heard several gun shots from the city not far from them and quickly approaching.

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