Twenty Six ~ Sickness

370 23 2

Trigger Warning: Animal slaughtering.

The next morning when Phoebe woke up she felt stiff and slightly sore so she told Daryl she wasn't going to go hunting that morning, Daryl although confused didn't push thinking she'd been having a moment like Rick and needed some time inside the fences so instead he took Merle out that morning.

"Aunt Phoebe?" she stirred hearing Carl's soft cry, bolting up in her bed she saw him in the doorway he wasn't crying but his eyes were glassy.

"What's wrong my love?" 

"Violet, she's dead" he answered walking forward.

"Your pig?" Phoebe asked seeing him nod "Oh sweetheart, it will be okay?" she pulled him into a hug but he didn't break down, he was getting so big not just in height which he now stood almost the same height as her but also mentally and emotionally. 

Phoebe couldn't help the heartbreaking nostalgia that flooded her, this must be how parents felt when their children grow up, not that Carl was hers but she was still allowed to feel it the same.

"I need to go, dad wants me to help out with the farming" he smiled weakly and she nodded letting him go knowing he'd gotten what he'd needed from her.

Phoebe had fallen back to sleep slightly trying to rest her stiff bones but she was woken abruptly again by screams. Jumping to her feet she slipped into trainers grabbing the gun and knife on her table she followed the screams all the way to cell block D being faintly aware of others following her.

Inside Phoebe took in the carnage, there were walkers everywhere and people were running around while others were stood frozen.

"Gets the kids!" Phoebe yelled to everyone and ushered people out as she snapped up a crying Mika, holding the girl closer to her, she was quick to pass the small girl to Karen who was helping people run from the block. 

Phoebe moved forward killing any walkers she saw as she slowly moved through the cell block "Everyone get into your cells, close the doors!" She yelled and heard several metal doors slamming shut in responce.

Soon more joined in helping her clear out the walkers, Daryl passed her holding onto a small boy named Harry with one arm as he shot a walker with the other, she'd never know how he held and shot that cross bow with one arm knowing how heavy it was "In here" she called moving the two so Daryl could pass the boy off into the of the cells a few people were hiding in.

Phoebe looked around still seeing people getting bitten, it was a mess she couldn't tell who was running, who was bitten and who was dead until they got closer.

Soon after all the walkers were dead "Check every one of them, every cell!" Rick yelled from somewhere behind her so she went to the cell that held several of the children.

"Everyone okay?" she asked stepping inside, Harry rushed over clutching onto her leg tears streaming down his face "It's okay, it's alright sweetheart" Phoebe combed her fingers through his hair as her other hand quickly checked him for any bites or scratches, he was clear.

After checking the others they were too, they'd gotten lucky.

"Are we clear? Are we safe" Rick yells looking like a panicked animal.

"Clear!" Phoebe called from her side.

They made quick work of going round giving mercy to their dead who hadn't turned while Hershel and Caleb gave everyone another check over incase something was missed.

Rick and Daryl walked over to where Phoebe was stood looking around the group still inside the cell block "What happened?" Rick asked the people in the cell block.

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