chapter twelve

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the beginning:


            SAKURA didn't let her attend the next day. She was bedridden in Konohagakure Hospital and was supervised by Shizune. Fortunately for her, Keishi kept her company. Ignoring and hiding away from Kakashi and the missions.

"Are you sure Lord Sixth wouldn't mind having you being here with me?" Seiren asked as she munched another mochi in her mouth, looking at Keishi who was reading some magazines that were placed on the table.

He sat with his legs crossed, he was not in his jonin vest and only had his blue long sleeves and cargo pants, with his band dangling on one of the hoops of his pants.

"Nah. My old man wouldn't mind. He knew that I occupied most of the missions that were given, so my co-workers could have some time with their families." he shrugged, flipping another page. Seiren smiled "You are kind, Kei-nii."

Big brother. Keishi looks at her in surprise before his lips form a smile "Don't always be surprised, Sei."

Shizune came in with more snacks for Seiren to devour yet both of them knew that Seiren always had a small appetite. "Naruto summons you to his office," Shizune said to Keishi who was about to take a grape on the tray.


Seiren and Keishi looked at each other and before they knew it, Shizune pushed the teenage boy toward the door "Now off you go~ You don't want the Hokage waiting for you, no?" Keishi was about to utter a word when Shizune slid the door closed before he could even speak.

Seiren laughed awkwardly when Shizune faced her with a tired look "He's different from Lord Sixth." she muttered, rubbing her temple before looking at Seiren with a smile "Feeling all better, Sei?"

The girl nodded with a beam "Hai!" she exclaimed before she tilted her head and questioned, "Why did Lord Seventh summon Kei-nii?"

Shizune shakes her head with a smile "Lord Senju will be arriving later this afternoon." Seiren's clueless face amused her as the adult stifled a laugh "You don't know Kaizen-sama?" Seiren shakes her head in reply and Shizune caresses her hair.

"He's Lady Tsunade's close relative. He comes from a lineage of Lord Second, Senju Tobirama." she let Seiren process her words before the girl shrieked in surprise "YOU MEAN—! Lord Senju is Kei-Nii's mentor?!"

Shizune laughed and nodded "Yes. Kaizen-sama took him under his wing when he was born."

Seiren frowned "How about Kakashi-oji?"

The woman thought for a moment, contemplating whether to tell her the truth or to hide it with a lie. Knowing Seiren, she's deeply devoted and loves Keishi dearly "Kakashi-sama never really thought of himself as a father figure. He had his struggles and realized that he couldn't take care of Keishi alone so Kaizen volunteered to look after him."

Shizune sent her a comforting smile "Kakashi-sama doesn't know how to balance the time for his son and the pile of work." Seiren nods in understanding "I could tell. Being a Hokage isn't easy."

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