chapter ten

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the beginning:


            SEIREN NERVOUSLY made her way down the stairs, each step felt like an eternity. Her heart was pounding so loudly in her ears that she could barely hear the sounds of the bustling arena. Akane stood in the center with a sly grin on her face while Shino appeared to be as calm as a summer breeze.

Seiiren glanced around and noticed her classmates comfortably seated on the cold concrete benches, eagerly waiting for the spar to begin. The arena was filled with a lively atmosphere, and Seiren could hear the sounds of claps, whistles, and cheers resonating through the air.

"I cannot wait to see Sei in action! I've heard Hatake-san is her mentor!" ChoCho says excitingly, Sarada gives her a look, gesturing her to shut up, yet the chubby beauty doesn't seem to glance at her and continues "Hatake-san is such a handsome jonin."

Boruto raised his eyebrow "The old man Kakashi is training her?" Sarada gave out an exasperated sigh and shot ChoCho a glare before looking back at Boruto with her hand resting on her hip "No, but his son is."

Iwabe and Metal gape at the sudden information "Wait? What! You mean— The infamous two-face grim reaper, Hatake Keishi— is training with our Innocent Seiren-chan?!" Metal shrieks in awe. Hearing the words from the stands, Akane faced Seiren with a taunting look "So you have a well-known mentor. I do hope you won't disappoint him with the lousy performance that you'll be giving today."

Seiren grips her fist yet she remains silent, Shino takes it as a cue to begin "Before this spar begins. Let us acknowledge one another, even after this match. We still see each other as comrades." reluctantly, Seiren reaches her two fingers first, waiting for Akane to pull out hers. She wanted to end this exercise.

Akane scoffed and locked her fingers with hers. Shino smiles before clapping once, loudly, exclaiming "BEGIN!"

Seiren didn't know but it might have grown into her. Seiren managed to grab Akane's fist just as it was about to hit her face. However, Akane had already planned her next move and was preparing to strike Seiren's stomach with her other hand. Seiren's hands were occupied, and she couldn't defend herself. Akane smirked, and before Seiren could react, she butt-headed her. Seiren grunted and managed to distance herself and held her forehead.

But Akane wasn't finished yet. She aimed a powerful kick towards the crown of Seiren's head. Seiren jumped away, barely managing to dodge the attack.

Akane never went easy with her attacks. She continues to brutally show her kicks and punches hastily towards Seiren who can't find any opening due to many thoughts circulating in her head.

Suddenly, a sudden recall of a memory flooded her mind.

"You know. When we were sparring earlier. I noticed something." She hummed and let Keishi continue. The young man smirks "You attack like a snake."

Once she landed, Akane struck her and was about to punch her but she leaned sideways to avoid it, able to see an opportunity, she gathered a small hence of chakra on her fist 'Here!'

Her fist came in contact with Akane's stomach, digging her knuckles into her clothes, she forced Akane's body to fly away from her. Everyone agape at the sight. Akane's figure collided with one of the stones and created a small crater around her.

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