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The crash of the Exodus ship shattered the fragile sense of hope that had been holding our spirits aloft. In the aftermath of the explosion, a heavy cloud of despair settled over the camp, casting a pall of sorrow upon us all. 

The prospect of additional supplies for the harsh winter ahead, along with the promise of reinforcements, had been dashed in a mere moment of fiery devastation. Others had to grieve their lost loved ones who were on the ship, the possibility of seeing the ground with them taken from in front of their eyes.

Despite this we had to forge forward, we knew all too well that complacency could be our undoing. Every moment of relaxation carried the potential for dire consequences, a truth that had been driven home with devastating clarity by our recent encounter on the bridge. With the crash of the Exodus ship serving as a grim reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond our camp's borders, we understood that we could ill afford to let our guard down.

The conflict with the Grounders had escalated into an open war, and the threat of retaliation loomed over us like a shadow, dark and menacing. Each day brought with it the looming spectre of violence and uncertainty, and we lived in a state of perpetual vigilance, constantly poised on the edge of our seats, awaiting the next move in this deadly game of survival.

The guard around our borders was doubled, with vigilant sentries standing watch day and night to ward off any potential threats. Raven worked tirelessly, churning out bullets with feverish determination, ensuring that our arsenal remained well-stocked and ready for whatever challenges lay ahead. We scoured our surroundings for any additional weapons we could find, salvaging whatever we could to augment our dwindling supplies.

Hunting parties, already scarce, were further reduced as we prioritized the conservation of our dwindling food reserves. It fell to me to ration our provisions, a task made all the more challenging by the grim reality of our circumstances. Each meal became a precious commodity, carefully meted out to sustain us in the face of mounting adversity.

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, one mission remained constant: the search for the site of the Exodus ship. Despite the dangers that lay beyond our camp's borders, small parties were dispatched with unwavering resolve, determined to locate the wreckage and salvage whatever remnants of hope it might hold. We clung to the possibility that some shred of salvation might yet be salvaged from the wreckage, a beacon of light in the encroaching darkness that threatened to engulf us all.

So that's where we find ourselves now, two days after the Exodus ship crashed, on our way to the site of the crash. Luckily the path was a clear one and we were far enough from the grounders to send a larger scale group.

As we approach the crash site, a heavy silence descends upon our group, each of us grappling with the stark reality of the devastation before us. Clarke, Bellamy, and I lead the procession, our hearts heavy with sorrow and trepidation as we confront the wreckage of the Exodus ship.

The scene that greets us is a harrowing sight, far worse than any of us had dared to imagine. The once majestic vessel lies in ruins, its metal carcass twisted and mangled by the force of impact. Smoke billows ominously from smouldering debris, casting a pall of despair over the desolate landscape. The acrid stench of burning metal hangs heavy in the air, a grim reminder of the tragedy that has befallen us.

I feel a lump form in my throat as I survey the wreckage, my eyes tracing the jagged contours of shattered hull plating and twisted girders. It's a sobering reminder of the fragility of life, of how swiftly and mercilessly our hopes and dreams can be dashed against the cold, unforgiving reality of the world.

I cast a sidelong glance at Clarke, her stoic facade betraying none of the turmoil raging within her. It's impossible to fathom the depths of her grief, the anguish that must be tearing her apart from the inside out. Somewhere amidst the twisted wreckage lies the remains of her mother, the woman who had sacrificed everything to ensure her daughter's survival.

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