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Ivy's POV

I officially declare this as the worst day ever; running around after high teenagers is so draining. If I get my hands on whoever said that these nuts were good to eat, they are going to wish they were never born.

My only relief was that the effect of the nuts was wearing off, and some of the 100 were coming back to their senses. People were now wandering about, clutching their heads instead of causing chaos.

I was helping Fox sit down when Miller's shout echoed through the darkness of camp. "He's gone. The grounder is gone." My heart drops at his words; how could this have happened? How could I have let this happen?

"What?!" I shout, getting to my feet, my heart now racing. Others around me move around nervously, muttering between each other. This isn't good; I was supposed to be in charge, and this happens under my watch. Guilt starts eating me up.

"What if he brings other grounders back?" Jasper's voice is louder than the rest, making his point stand out through his uneasy tone.

"He'll kill us all," someone adds.

"Or worse," another voice chimes in.

"Let the grounders come," a deep voice I could recognize anywhere says. I turn and watch as Clarke and Bellamy make their way to the front of the crowd, something slung over each of their shoulders. I feel intense relief at the sight of them; I was worried about why they had taken so long, but they are here, albeit a bit more battered than when they left. What happened?

"We've been afraid of them for far too long, and why? Because of their knives and spears. I don't know about you. I'm tired of being afraid," Bellamy declares.

Bellamy looks over at Clarke once he finishes speaking, and they both nod before bringing forward what they have behind them. As they place it on the ground, my eyes widen at the sight of the guns before me. Others let out cheers at the sight of them.

This must be what was at the depot. Not quite what I was expecting, but I can't lie and say they aren't needed. Guns can be dangerous, but we need them right now, or we won't survive down here much longer.

"These are weapons, okay? Not toys, and we have to be prepared to give them up to the guard when the dropships come, but until then, they're gonna help keep us safe," Clarke adds in a more serious tone, quietening everyone.

"And there are plenty more where these came from. Tomorrow we start training, and if the grounders come, we're gonna be ready to fight," Bellamy finishes, and everyone nods, but there is a small hush as everyone lets it all sink in.

The crowd starts to clear, no doubt going to sleep, and I push my way over to Bellamy and Clarke. I approach Bellamy and Clarke, my eyes switching between the guns and their worn-out expressions. "What happened out there?" I ask, my concern for their state evident.

Bellamy glances at Clarke before answering, "It was a mess. We found the aid depot, but it was mostly a bust. Old supplies, nothing extraordinary. Then we ran into some trouble on the way back."

Clarke picks up the explanation, "Dax knew that Bellamy shot the chancellor, he was sent after us by Shumway. It turns out Shumway set up the whole thing. He wanted us dead to cover his tracks."

My eyes widen in shock. "Shumway? Why would he—"

"He's got his own agenda," Bellamy interrupts. "He wanted the Chancellor out of the way, and he knew the moment they came down here I could be the loose end and tell them it was him who told me to shoot the chancellor. He wanted to protect his slimy ass. It got ugly fast."

Daylight |Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now