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Despite the faint light outside the tent, I attempt to burrow deeper into the warmth of the blankets. The past few days have been a whirlwind of stress, juggling the organization of camp with the introduction of the new guns. The entire group has been taking turns practising with the weapons, ensuring everyone has a chance to defend themselves against potential Grounder threats.

I have tried to set up a foolproof organisation system for our food and supplies since the incident in the nuts. So far I have managed to come up and set my plan in motion but I always seem to have more things to do, as more hunts come back and new things are discovered almost every day. I've tried to guide myself as best I can with my book but it doesn't have all the answers I want.

In the midst of all this chaos, Bellamy and I have been navigating our new relationship. Despite the challenges, we managed to find precious moments together. So, the idea of catching a few more minutes of sleep is appealing. That's my plan until the flap to our tent is unceremoniously opened.

I squint against the intrusion, Octavia's grumbling confirming that I'm not the only one disturbed from my peaceful slumber. We exchange a shared glance, directing our attention to the cause of the disturbance—Bellamy. He stands at the tent entrance, arms crossed, wearing his trademark smirk that never fails to elicit a response from me.

"What the hell, Bellamy? You can't just barge in like this," Octavia protests, her annoyance evident in her tone. She sits up to glare at her older brother's form.

"How else is one supposed to wake you two up from your beauty sleep?" he teases, his eyes locking onto mine. I let out a groan at the thought of getting up, and Octavia chuckles in response. I shoot her a quick glare, but it's hard to stay annoyed with her infectious laughter.

"Come on, Bell, it's barely dawn. Let me catch a break," Octavia continues, attempting to negotiate for a few more precious minutes of sleep. As much as I know we still have so much to do around camp I also want to stay in bed for just a little longer.

"You can catch a break, O. I'm not here for you," Bellamy replies, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on mine. I can't help but feel a soft flutter in my stomach at the intensity of his gaze. As much as I want to grumble about being woken up, there's a part of me that secretly enjoys the attention.

I sit up, stretching my arms, and shoot Bellamy a mock glare. "You better have a good reason for this intrusion."

Bellamy smirks, his eyes dancing with playful mischief. "I think it's time you started your training with the guns," he says, his tone taking on a hint of seriousness as the topic shifts to the weapons.

I let out a reluctant sigh, knowing he was right. I've been avoiding initiating training with the guns, using the excuse of letting others go first and my need to focus on our rations. But deep down, I understand I can't put it off forever.

"Do I have to? Can't I just continue with my knives?" I attempt to evade, hoping for a reprieve. However, the look on Bellamy's face tells me that's a lost cause.

"Yes, you do have to. As good as you are with the knives, a gun will keep you much more protected," he insists, his expression firm but tinged with a hint of concern.

I nod reluctantly, acknowledging the logic in his words. "Fine, but  you better not expect to become some sort of prodigy."

Bellamy chuckles, a warmth in his eyes. "I'm not expecting miracles, Ivy. We'll take it one step at a time. Now, get ready. We've got a date with some firearms."

The playful use of the word "date" brings a smile to my face, softening the edges of my resistance. Despite my initial reluctance, there's a sense of reassurance in knowing that Bellamy will be by my side during this training.

Daylight |Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now