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Tonight it seemed like no one in camp was going to get any rest, I had maybe slept a couple of hours before I was awoken by some distant groaning and moaning. At first, I just rolled my eyes and tried to fall back to sleep, convinced it was just another couple together.

However, after it didn't stop for a while I immediately shot up out of my tent and rushed for the drop ship knowing it was Jasper. It had been two days since we had brought him back to camp and for the first day he was stable Clarke and I thought he might pull through but yesterday he took a turn for the worse and I fear he may not survive.

We had been scouring my book and the woods nearby for any medicinal plant we could use to help him, but the ones I had in my book were absent from all the foliage that surrounded our camp so there wasn't anything we could do in that sense.

I make my way up to where Clarke is now and she looks at me with a look full of desperation. I swallow and go over to look at Jasper and my heart breaks for him, he seems to be in so much pain and there is nothing we can do about it.

I press my hand to his forehead and feel it burning up, I lift his shirt to look at his chest wound and find it irritated, now that isn't a good sign. Clarke begins to monitor his pulse with her watch and I go to check his temperature again. I immediately feel him even warmer than he was a minute ago. That isn't normal at all.

"Clarke he's burning up quick" I say looking over at her as she looks back at Jasper when he lets out another loud moan.

"His pulse is thready" I grimace all these aren't good signs and I begin to think that perhaps there is no hope for Jasper. He is going through all this suffering and we don't even know if we can save him.

My thoughts are interrupted by Jasper letting out another loud moan which earns a plethora of complaints from the delinquents of the lower levels. I understand their frustration, but do they have no consideration? If they were in his spot how would they feel?

Clarke doesn't seem to be taking those comments well as she leans over to brush some of Jaspers's hair. "Don't listen to them. You're gonna make it through this, okay? Promise." She whispers but I feel bad for her, she is holding onto this sliver of hope that could bring her a lot of pain.

"I'm gonna get clean water. Keep an eye on him." She says turning to me and Monty as we are the only ones there. I nod and she begins to climb down the ladder. I look back at Jasper's frail body as he moans yet again. This was going to be a long night.

It was a while before Clarke returned with some clean water and a distant look in her eyes. She sets the water down and I drop a cloth in it, bringing it out and wringing to set the now damp material onto Jasper's burning forehead to try and relieve his suffering a bit.

I then step back a second as Clarke continues to fuss over his moaning body. I hesitate a few seconds before broaching this topic with her as I know what her reaction will be but someone has to tell her. Tell them both, as I glance over at Monty, his head bent over some wiring in his hands to distract him.

"Clarke" I say and wait for her to look at me. "There's not much more we can do for him and you know it"

"Ivy don't you dare tell me that, I have hope and I know I can do it"

"I know that's what you want to believe but you have to realise that you might be making him suffer needlessly"

"What are you insinuating?" Monty says from his spot in the corner.

"Don't worry I know what she wants to say" Clarke says looking at me with a fire in her eyes. "I won't allow you to say that"

"I don't want it to happen either but you have to open your eyes and see the truth" I try to reason with her but I soon realise this is an argument she won't let me win.

Daylight |Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now