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Over the next few days, life in the camp gradually finds its rhythm again. The unexpected loss of Wells sends the camp into a constant state of uneasiness, but the pressing need for survival keeps us moving forward. Not many mourned the boy, he wasn't exactly popular, but we still buried him with the others lost paying our respects.

The notion that he had been killed outside of camp walls only drives us to work faster and harder on constructing it. A round-the-clock guard was set up and everyone was on constant alert. The threat of the grounders now seems even more real than ever. Although the circumstances are grim there is no denying we are now working harder.

We take care as we venture out to explore the surrounding areas, collecting resources and learning to navigate the unpredictable terrain, always on high alert in case of any grounder attacks. Hunting parties are few but all return with no reports of grounders, which I find strange. If they were prepared to kill one of our own so close to our borders, what is keeping them at bay now?

Bellamy continues to be a steady presence by my side, his support offering a sense of comfort amidst the chaos. We work together, strategize, and even manage to steal moments of lightheartedness amidst the darkness. There's an unspoken bond between us that grows stronger with each passing day, a connection forged through shared experiences and whispered conversations under the stars.

Clarke's makeshift infirmary becomes a hub of activity as she tends to the sick and injured, her determination unwavering. Jasper's condition improves steadily, providing a glimmer of hope in the midst of the challenges we face.

Octavia's forgiveness comes gradually, just as Bellamy predicted. Our interactions become more relaxed and comfortable, and as we continue to work side by side, I realise how much we have in common. We share stories of our lives before the Ark, of our families and dreams, forming a bond that transcends the circumstances that brought us to the ground. Octavia's spirit shines brighter as her determination to survive remains unyielding.

Finn, Clarke, and the rest of the delinquents become like an extended family, each person playing a crucial role in our collective survival. The challenges we face continue to test us, from battling the elements to negotiating the dynamics within our group, but we stand united, our determination fueled by the belief that there's still hope to be found.

Bellamy and I had taken up the task of supervising the ongoing progress around camp. Our roles involved ensuring that the tasks were being carried out efficiently and offering assistance where needed. While most of the delinquents were actively working on their designated tasks, there was one notable exception – Murphy. He appeared to hold himself above the others, barking orders and exhibiting a blatant disregard for the collaborative spirit we were trying to foster. It was evident that his behaviour was causing frustration among his peers, and I couldn't help but think that he was inching closer to a confrontation that he might not win.

I had mentioned my concerns to Bellamy, suggesting that he intervene and defuse the situation, but he seemed reluctant to engage in a direct confrontation with Murphy. I knew he was right; it wasn't worth sparking a conflict that could easily escalate. So, I found myself keeping an eye on Murphy while silently hoping that he would adjust his attitude before things took a more serious turn.

So here I am now, watching over some of the delinquents making weapons and securing supplies near the dropship entrance. I help them when necessary but everyone seems to have been picking up on skills pretty quickly. Soon they won't need me around to help them, but that thought sends a pang of sadness through my chest. Helping these kids and showing them everything I know has been my purpose since we landed down here and even though I am proud of the camp's progress, I still like the feeling of being needed.

Daylight |Bellamy BlakeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя