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Night falls and darkness surrounds us as Bellamy and I continue our cautious journey through the woods. Progress is slower than it could be, given Bellamy's unwavering attention to my well-being. Every root or uneven patch of ground is treated as a potential obstacle, leading to his constant assistance. It would have been mildly exasperating if his concern didn't make him so endearing.

"Ivy, are you okay?" Bellamy's inquiry resounds once again, punctuating our trek. I pause alongside him, placing a reassuring hand on his arm to alleviate his worries.

"I'm fine, the pain has subsided," I assure him. It's not a falsehood; the throbbing in my head has dulled significantly, and I would hardly notice the aftermath of the log's impact if not for the faint numbness on the side of my face. "We need to focus on finding the others before Murphy does."

"I know," he sighs, the weight of his anxiety palpable. "I have to make sure you are okay, I just can't shake the feeling that I'm responsible for you getting hurt."

"Bellamy, this wasn't your fault," I affirm, my tone gentle yet firm. I meet his gaze, earnestly trying to convey my sincerity. "I made the choice to step in, and I wouldn't want you torturing yourself over it." He nods, accepting my words, and we share a brief moment of quiet understanding before the ambience of the woods draws our attention.

As if summoned by our thoughts, the snapping of twigs breaks through the silence. Instinctively, Bellamy steps in front of me, using his body to shield mine, as we pivot toward the source of the disturbance. The dim moonlight and rustling leaves add an air of tension to the scene, heightening our senses.

A small body moves past the tree line and Bellamy and I look at each other, both of us knowing who it is. Charlotte. What she is doing wandering the woods alone and where Finn and Clarke are, I don't know. What I do know is that we need to get her out of here and as far away from Murphy and his goons as possible.

Bellamy seems to think the same things as he creeps up to Charlotte, not wanting to scare her away. But that seems to fly out the window as he grabs her from behind making the little girl scream. I run up to them trying to quiet her down and she relaxes once she recognises us. The only problem is the attention that scream might attract to us, we don't know where Murphy's hunting party is.

"We have to get her out of here" I whisper, my eyes darting around us as I am sure I can hear the faint sound of people approaching us.

Bellamy nods and grabs the girl's arm starting to drag her behind him but she doesn't seem disposed to make this easy and she doesn't want to follow us. "Let me go!" She screams no doubt attracting more attention to us.

This situation keeps making me more and more nervous as I anxiously look around. Charlotte tries to break free from Bellamy's hold but he pulls her back to him. "We're trying... hey, hey. I'm trying to help you" He tells her sternly dragging her forward to where I stand.

"I'm not your sister! Just stop helping me!" The moment she says that I can see the hurt in Bellamy's eyes and I stare at the girl in shock. Why is she resisting our help so much? Does she not know how much trouble she is in? "I'm over here!" She screams running away from us as Bellamy's grip faltered after her outburst.

We quickly run to her and I reach her first putting a firm hand on her arm as Bellamy pulls her back to him. "Are you trying to get all three of us killed?" Bellamy asks harshly.

"Just go, okay? I'm the one they want" And my heart breaks as her voice falters at the end. There is no way we are just leaving her here.

"Okay, Charlotte, listen to me" I say pulling her to face me. "I'm not going to leave you"

Daylight |Bellamy BlakeOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara