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I sigh as I finish writing down a line in my book, I had been sitting at the desk writing my book nearly all day. I hadn't seen Pike today so I had no orders of what to do, and all of my colleagues were out doing their own things, so it was just me. I close my book and lean back in my chair and cast my eyes to the ceiling. I let my eyes close for a moment as I start to imagine seeing the ground which I have been writing about. Rationally I know I will never see it but I enjoy getting lost in what it would be like. I imagine the sweet smell of the air, the blue of the sky, the feel of the breeze on my body, the feel of the grass on my feet...

Suddenly there is a knock on the door, it startles me up and out of my chair. I quickly smooth down my strawberry-blonde hair and walk over to the door. As I type the passcode to the earth skills office and the door slides open I see who stands on the other side of the door. Two guards stand there looking at me with frowns on their faces.

"Are you Ivy Kennedy?" The oldest one asks me in a gruff voice, the other younger guard gives me a tight-lipped smile almost as to say sorry for the cold manner his partner had greeted me with.

I swallow nervously and nod, even though I know I had done nothing wrong just the thought of me being involved with anything suspicious makes my heart tighten in my chest. Memories of my father being floated flick through my head as the officer gives me a grunt of approval.

"Very well then, come with us the chancellor wants to speak with you" The guard says and starts to turn away, but then turns back to me. "Oh, and bring that book of yours with you"

I scramble back to get my book from where it lies on my desk and pick it up. I close the door to the office and hurry behind the guards as they start to walk away leading me down the corridors of the Ark. As we walk silently a million thoughts cross my mind. What could the chancellor want with me? And my book?

I start to wonder where exactly we are going as it doesn't seem like we are headed to command, but rather down to the Sky Box. Oh god! Was I going to be floated? I hadn't done anything wrong, perhaps they were going to lock me up in here with the other 99 kids. But I wasn't under 18, I was 20 so it made no sense. What else could be the reason why the chancellor wants to see me here?

The guards stop in front of a double set of doors and nod to another two guards who punch the code into the doors which open one at a time. The two guards lead me into a room and I hug my book closer to my chest. It looks like we are in a classroom, there are rows of chairs facing a big desk at the front with a blank board behind it.

"Chancellor, Miss Kennedy as you asked" The older guard says to the man in the centre of the room. Chancellor Jaha bows his head in appreciation and then the guards who brought me here leave the room and leave me with the people in the room.

I recognize Chancellor Jaha, who doesn't? With him, there is another man with black greying hair who stands with his arms crossed and a serious expression on his face. Next to that man stands Doctor Griffin who I recognise from the times I have been to medical. And then the last man in the room I definitely know, so that is why he wasn't in the office this morning he was here. But I can't help but wonder what Pike is doing here with members of the council.

"Good day Miss Kennedy, we are sorry for the interruption but we were assured by Charles that you were not busy" Jaha says putting his arms behind his back.

"There is no problem" I say, "but what is going on sir?" I ask and Jaha lets out a chuckle and I quickly close my mouth quickly, afraid of overstepping.

"Curious mind, that is a very good thing" Jaha says with a smile on his face. "Now Miss Kennedy, we have summoned you here on important business"

"What we tell you here is strictly confidential and you cannot tell anyone" The other man says. "If you were to do so you would be..."

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