Part 76: Just few Centimetres

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With Volt , Before

As I stretched out my arm towards Kael, reaching out to lend him a helping hand, I watched in horror as the ground beneath him gave way, sending him hurtling towards the chasm below. My heart lurched in my chest, a surge of panic coursing through me as I realized the gravity of the situation.

In that fleeting moment, time seemed to slow to a crawl, each passing second stretched out into an eternity as I watched Kael teetering on the brink of disaster. My mind raced, frantically searching for a solution, but it was already too late. With a sickening lurch, he disappeared over the edge, swallowed by the gaping maw of the abyss below.

For a heartbeat, I was frozen in shock, unable to comprehend the magnitude of what had just occurred. But then, spurred into action by the urgency of the situation, I sprang into motion, my instincts taking over as I raced towards the precipice, desperate to reach my friend before it was too late.

It was way too late , I couldn't reach him.......

I was.......

Just few........




It resulted in a great distance between...........



My Best friend..............


As Kael slipped from view, a collective gasp escaped our lips, our voices melding together in a chorus of fear and disbelief. My heart hammered in my chest, each beat echoing the frantic rhythm of my thoughts as I struggled to comprehend what had just transpired.

Blaze and Ocean stood frozen in shock, their expressions mirroring the horror reflected in my own eyes. Crystal's face paled, her hands flying to her mouth in a futile attempt to stifle her cries of distress. We were united in our anguish, bound together by the shared terror of witnessing our friend's fall.

Time seemed to stand still as we stared helplessly into the abyss, the deafening silence broken only by the echoes of our shouts fading into the void below. In that moment, the weight of uncertainty hung heavy upon us, each passing second stretching into an eternity as we waited with bated breath for any sign of Kael's fate.

We were way too shock to say anything..........

After some I finally broke the silence.................

Volt: "If only I was a few inches closer, I could've grabbed his arm..."

Blaze: "It all happened so fast. I didn't even have time to react."

Ocean: "Do you think he's okay? We have to do something!"

Crystal: "We need to find him! We can't just stand here."

Volt: "You're right. We have to act fast. Let's go!"

With a sense of urgency, we rallied together, our determination outweighing our fear as we prepared to search for our fallen comrade.

With every step, my heart raced faster, fueled by fear and determination. Kael was more than just a friend; he was my closest companion, and the thought of losing him filled me with a sense of urgency like never before. Leading the way down the treacherous cliffs, I pushed myself to move faster, ignoring the strain on my muscles and the pounding in my chest. We had to find him, no matter what it took.

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