Part 56 : Freaking Exciting

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As Kael continued to carry Luna through the town, the weight of her sleeping form in his arms only added to his embarrassment. Every curious glance and whispered comment from the townsfolk felt like a spotlight shining down on him, magnifying his discomfort tenfold.

His cheeks burned with embarrassment as he tried to ignore the stares and whispers, focusing instead on finding a quiet place where Luna could rest undisturbed. But the comments of the onlookers continued to echo in his ears, their misunderstanding of the situation only making Kael feel more awkward and out of place.

And then, just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, he heard someone nearby remark, "Wow, what a cute couple!"

The words hit Kael like a punch to the gut, leaving him speechless and mortified. The misunderstanding was almost too much to bear, and he could feel the heat rising to his cheeks as he struggled to maintain his composure.

But despite his embarrassment, Kael knew that he couldn't let it show. With a forced smile and a quick nod of thanks to the well-meaning stranger, he continued on his way, his heart pounding with embarrassment and his mind racing with thoughts of how to explain the situation to Luna when she woke.

But for now, all he could do was carry on, hoping that they would soon reach their destination and that he could finally put an end to this awkward ordeal.

As Kael continued to carry Luna through the town, his attention shifted away from the stares of the onlookers and towards the peaceful expression on her sleeping face. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, he couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and affection as he looked down at her.

She seemed so light in his arms, her breathing steady and even as she slept soundly against his chest. A small smile tugged at the corners of Kael's lips as he marveled at how easily he could carry her, her weight almost imperceptible against his own.

Gently adjusting his grip to ensure her comfort, Kael felt a swell of protectiveness wash over him. In that moment, as he looked down at Luna's peaceful form, he knew that he would do anything to keep her safe and secure.

With a sense of determination fueling his steps, Kael continued on his way, his mind now focused on finding a place where Luna could rest undisturbed. He remembered his friends' plan to stay at a nearby hotel, and he knew that it would be the perfect place for Luna to recover from her sleepless night.

As he made his way through the bustling streets, Kael felt a renewed sense of purpose guiding him forward. No matter what challenges lay ahead, he would do whatever it took to ensure Luna's well-being and happiness. And as he finally reached the hotel entrance, a sense of relief washed over him, knowing that they had finally found a safe haven where Luna could rest and recuperate.

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