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Mihai's voice crackled through Anaria's communicator, breaking the tranquil moment between her and Riyu. "Anaria, I have a suggestion," she began, her tone serious yet tinged with urgency.

Anaria straightened, her attention fully focused on the conversation at hand. "What is it, Mihai?"

"The Chess Game. I know Traumerei is there, but it's the perfect opportunity for us to make our move. The stakes are high, but the rewards could be worth it."

Anaria paused, considering Mihai's proposition carefully. The Chess Game was a notorious gathering ground for powerful entities within the Tower, each maneuvering their pieces with calculated precision. It was a place of intrigue and danger, where alliances were forged and broken with the turn of a metaphorical chessboard.

Riyu watched Anaria intently, sensing the weight of the decision resting on her shoulders. "What do you think?" he asked, his voice quiet yet steady.

Anaria's mind raced as she weighed the risks and potential benefits of Mihai's suggestion. The Chess Game held the promise of valuable information and opportunities for strategic maneuvers, but it also posed significant dangers, particularly with Traumerei's presence looming overhead.

After a moment of contemplation, Anaria nodded decisively. "Alright, Mihai. We'll head to the Chess Game. But we need to proceed with caution. Traumerei won't make things easy for us."

Mihai's voice conveyed a sense of grim determination. "Understood, Anaria. I'll make the necessary arrangements. Stay vigilant, and be prepared for anything."

With their course of action set, Anaria and Riyu exchanged a silent nod of understanding. They were entering into a high-stakes game of wits and power, but they were determined to emerge victorious, no matter the challenges they faced along the way.

As Mihai made her way through the corridors of the Gladiator, her mind focused on the task at hand. She needed to inform Leo about the decision to head to the Chess Game despite the risks posed by Traumerei's presence. However, as she approached Leo's designated area, she was met with an unexpected sight.

The clang of metal against metal echoed through the air, drawing Mihai's attention towards a nearby training arena. There, she saw Leo locked in a fierce sword fight with Vicente, their blades flashing in the dim light of the training room. It was a spectacle to behold, the two outcasts of the Arie family engaged in a battle of skill and determination.

Mihai's brow furrowed in concern as she watched the intense exchange between the two combatants. She knew that tensions ran deep between Leo and Vicente, their past grievances and rivalries simmering beneath the surface. Yet, she had never expected their conflicts to escalate to such a physical confrontation.

Leo and Vicente moved with fluid precision, their movements a dance of deadly intent as they traded blows and parries. Each strike was calculated, each maneuver executed with the expertise of seasoned warriors. It was clear that neither of them was holding back, their determination driving them forward in their duel.

As the battle raged on, Mihai debated whether to intervene or to simply observe from a distance. She knew that Leo and Vicente were both skilled fighters, capable of holding their own in combat. Yet, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach as she watched them clash.

The sound of metal meeting metal rang out once more, followed by a sudden shift in the dynamics of the fight. Leo's blade flashed with renewed ferocity, his attacks growing more aggressive as he pressed the offensive against Vicente. It was clear that he was determined to emerge victorious, to prove himself worthy of his place within the Tower.

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