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Vicente's eyes bore into Leo's, a mixture of curiosity and skepticism in his gaze. "However, I can't comprehend what went down that you're going down the same path as me."

Leo's expression remained resolute, determined to convey the conviction behind his choices. "Our paths may intersect, Vicente, but that doesn't mean I'm following your footsteps. I've chosen to confront our father, not out of hatred, but to seek answers and closure."

A bitter smile played on Vicente's lips. "Closure? You think confronting him will grant you closure? The man who thrives on secrets and manipulation? You're a fool if you believe he'll give you anything resembling closure."

Leo's tone turned stern. "I'm not expecting closure from him. I'm taking control of my own narrative, making choices that define me beyond the shadow of his influence. You, on the other hand, seem fixated on revenge."

Vicente's gaze grew colder. "Revenge is a powerful motivator. It can drive a person to do things they never thought possible. But make no mistake, Leo, revenge isn't my only goal. I aim for something greater-a reckoning for the injustices we've endured."

Leo shook his head, his eyes reflecting a mixture of pity and understanding. "Vicente, revenge will consume you. It will become the very shackles you despise. There's more to life than the pursuit of vengeance."

Vicente's laughter held a tinge of bitterness. "You speak as if life has granted us choices. We're bound by the blood of Arie, shackled by the expectations and burdens our father placed upon us. Choices are a luxury we can't afford."

Leo's gaze softened, a touch of sympathy breaking through his stern exterior. "We may share the Arie blood, but I refuse to let it define everything about us. You have a choice, Vicente, even if you can't see it now. Don't let hatred be your only compass."

Khun observed Sylphy playing with Riyu, a subtle smile playing on her lips. He approached her, his expression serious yet curious. "Sylphy, we need to talk."

Sylphy glanced up at Khun, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Talk? How boring. Can't we discuss things over a bowl of cereal? I've heard it's the perfect setting for serious conversations."

Khun sighed, realizing that getting straight answers from Sylphy might prove challenging. "Fine, cereal it is. But we're discussing important matters."

They settled into a more casual setting, a bowl of cereal in front of each of them. Riyu, sensing the tension, observed the scene with keen interest. Khun took a moment before diving into the heart of the matter.

"Sylphy, do you know Maria?" Khun's tone carried a weight, a hint of concern for what the answer might entail.

Sylphy, however, seemed unfazed. She playfully scooped up a spoonful of cereal. "Maria? The name sounds familiar. Why do you ask, Khun?"

Khun's eyes narrowed slightly. "Don't play games with me, Sylphy. Maria is more than just a name. She's a connection, a piece of my past that I need to understand."

Sylphy grinned, savoring the playful banter. "Khun, you always make things so serious. But fine, let's talk about Maria. What's your connection to her, and why does it bother you?"

Khun hesitated for a moment, contemplating how much to reveal. "Maria was someone I cared about, someone from my past. But she disappeared, and now, it seems like she's involved in something much larger than I anticipated."

Sylphy leaned back, her expression shifting to a more thoughtful demeanor. "Disappeared, you say? Interesting. The Tower has a way of entangling lives in unexpected ways. What do you aim to achieve by finding her?"

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