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Anaria's voice echoed through the Pocket, reaching Mirchea Luslec on the other end. His usually composed demeanor revealed a flicker of satisfaction as he received her message. "Well done, Anaria. Bringing the Irregular to our cause is a significant move. You continue to impress."

Anaria, her gaze fixed on the unfolding events around her, responded with a touch of nonchalance. "It's all part of the plan, Father. Baam is now under our influence, and the Tower is on the brink of change."

Mirchea chuckled, a low and rumbling sound that resonated through their connection. "Change indeed. The Tower has been stagnant for too long. Now, with the Irregular in our hands, we can set the stage for a new act."

Anaria, her eyes glinting with a sense of purpose, leaned against the railing of the Gladiator. "I'll continue to play my part. Baam is a crucial piece in this grand game, and I intend to see it through."

Mirchea's voice carried a note of pride. "You have the blood of FUG running through your veins, Anaria. Make the most of this opportunity. The Tower awaits its transformation, and you are poised to be a catalyst."

"What next, Father?" Anaria inquired, her eyes reflecting the determination instilled by her FUG lineage.

"The Wolhaiksong," Mirchea Luslec replied with conviction. Anaria's brow furrowed, questioning the decision.

"Are you sure? Last I remember, both Urek and Baam were on good terms with each other," she pointed out, her analytical mind dissecting the potential repercussions.

Mirchea Luslec, his voice echoing authority, responded, "They may be on good terms, but their allegiances are not fixed. The Wolhaiksong operates on a delicate balance, and we can exploit the fault lines within. Urek Mazino's whims may be unpredictable, but we can turn those whims to our advantage."

Anaria contemplated her father's words, understanding the underlying strategy. "Manipulating alliances within the Tower. Clever. How do you plan to approach this?"

Mirchea Luslec's eyes gleamed with a hint of mischief. "Contact Urek. Offer an alliance, a mutual benefit. Make him believe that our goals align, even if temporarily. The Wolhaiksong will be a potent asset in reshaping the Tower."

Anaria nodded, acknowledging the subtlety of her father's plan. "And if he refuses?"

Mirchea Luslec's tone turned colder. "Then we escalate. Expose the fragility of the alliances within the Tower, sow discord, and force their hand. The Wolhaiksong will have to choose sides, and we'll be there to guide their decision. You still have Yeonghun on your side..."

Anaria's eyes glinted with a mischievous spark. "I've always been good at manipulating the strings, haven't I, Father?"

Mirchea chuckled, a rare display of amusement. "Indeed, my daughter. Your talents are a force to be reckoned with. Now, let us see how this newfound piece alters the game."

As the call ended, Anaria leaned back in her chair on the Gladiator, contemplating the intricate dance of power unfolding in the Tower. The Wolhaiksong, a group known for their pursuit of freedom, now loomed on the horizon as potential allies or adversaries. Anaria relished the challenge, the opportunity to weave her influence through the complex threads of loyalty and betrayal.

Anaria's thoughts drifted to Baam, the Irregular whose presence had become a catalyst for change. The Wolhaiksong's involvement added a layer of unpredictability, and Anaria was determined to stay steps ahead.

"FUG's game has just become more fascinating," she murmured to herself.

Leo, the eccentric captain of the Gladiator, entered the room with a flourish. "Anaria, we're approaching the next destination. Ready for whatever awaits us?"

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