Chess Game(3)

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Lobadon's Ship

After a fight between Yama and Catan which ended in them having to take Doom hostage and send Yama and Yasratcha to the Po Bidau Library to get what Lobadon wants. They made their way to the place where they were supposed to disguised as Mr.General and Mr.Cat but this didn't go unnoticed by Guiscard, the librarian.


Mihai's keen ears caught wind of Baam's intentions as he planned to escape the submarine and make his way to Lobadon's ship. She understood the urgency in his decision and knew that such a mission wouldn't be without its challenges.

Approaching Khun, Mihai spoke softly, "Khun, I've overheard Baam's plan. It won't be an easy journey, and he'll need all the help he can get. We should tag along, but to reach Lobadon's ship, we'll need a means of fast transportation."

Khun raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Mihai's proposal. "Transportation? How do you suggest we get there in time?"

Mihai's gaze focused on the Bong Bong in Endorsi's possession, a powerful and versatile item. "Endorsi's Bong Bong. It has the ability to teleport. If we use it, we can reach Lobadon's ship swiftly and provide Baam with the support he needs."

Khun considered the idea, recognizing the importance of aiding Baam in his quest. "Very well, Mihai. Let's make the necessary arrangements and ensure we're prepared for whatever awaits us."

Gustang's Library

Gustang decided to straight up summon Traumerei towards him. Gustang told him  that he can no longer keep quiet about how everyone kept quite after the Enne Jahad incident. "You hid the daughter of Blossom and me!". Traumerei commented on how even among the Jahad Princesses, Enne was always a gifted one.  "You're just trying to get the Irregulars killed.",he said. "Death is inevitable. I've received this from the Hidden Floor.",Gustang as he explained that he is trying to retrieve his memories from the books and knowledge he has.

"You said you want to kill me. Do you think I'll just stand back and do nothing with you standing there? THIS IS WHY YOU KEEP GETTING REJECTED!", said Traumerei which ended up hitting him in the right place. In retaliation, he ends up landing Traumerei in his book labyrinth. Traumerei remembers of how he would make those during their childhood. And so, he had begun playing swearing to kill Gustang.


Baam recognized the importance of having Endorsi's assistance in their mission to reach Lobadon's ship. He approached her, a determined look in his eyes, and began to make his case.

"Endorsi, I know you have your own goals, but what we're doing here is critical for everyone in the Tower. If we can find Lobadon and gain his knowledge, we might be able to end this war and prevent further destruction. I need your help, and I promise that I'll do everything I can to support your goals as well."

Endorsi considered Baam's words carefully. She had her own motivations, but she also saw the significance of the larger picture. With a nod, she agreed, "Alright, Baam. I'll help you reach Lobadon's ship. But remember, you owe me a big favor."

Baam smiled, relieved that she had agreed. "Thank you, Endorsi. I won't forget this."

Meanwhile, Yunia tried to contact Anny through her Pocket, knowing that Anny's knowledge and connections could prove valuable. She sent a message, hoping to get a response from Anny about the unfolding events and their plans.

Yunia received Anny's response and was relieved to hear that the plan was in motion. However, she sought further clarification.

"Are you involving Lord Grace in this?" Yunia asked.

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