The Fire nation attack.

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(fire nation Palace). 5 months later (an: I know this timeline isn't 100% accurate plz don't hate).

Azula was currently in the turtle duck garden with Zuko and mai.

"I don't think father is considering the consequences of attacking the major technological power of the war. I know he has been fine tuning the details for the last 5 months but still a war with Shou-long is one we may actually lose." Zuko thought out loud solemnly.

"Zuko that kind of talk is treason." Mai replied sounding a bit shocked.

"Actually Mai for once I agree with my brother." Azula stated her tone lacking it's sharp bite.

The fact that Azula Agreed with him surprised both him and Mai.

"Who are you and what have you done with the real Azula." Zuko demanded standing up and getting into a fire bending stance.

"Dummy It's still me I'm just looking at the strategic and logical value of father's plan and I'll say this unlike him I have seen Shou-long's power for myself and it's nothing to laugh at. We have to face facts the small kingdom of only 9 million Held off and pushed back a rival power with 5 times the population and military numbers. I'd be lying if I said I was not uncertain about this decision for once Zuko I actually believe we may lose this war." Azula replied while standing back up and walking into the palace.

(200 miles north of the Kau province and 30 miles north of the Akizo fields 3rd POV).

An army of 280'000 fire nation forces was assembled into their respective ranks with tundra tanks and support Cavalry in their midst. 

In the east and south sea two massive steam fleets surged forward the admirals eager to please their master and striving to humiliate the supposedly great army.

Both forces were preparing to launch a full assault against Shou-long and put down the last major resistance to their fire lords great power. 

"General Zayne Our forces ahve been assembled."

"Very good commander order the divisional generals to commence first strike it is time to bring Shou-long's great empire down." The general ordered a sinister smirk appearing on his face. 

"Yes General." The commander replied before bowing and rushing off to issue the general's orders.

The attack began two days later and it seemed their great fire lords plan was working. The soldiers morale was High as they marched through the Akizo Fields and destroyed it's meager garrison.

However it was at the port town of Zigren That Shou-long dug in and began to resist fiercely. The Shou-long soldiers digging in around the town and bringing their feared cannons forward.

The fire nation believed that taking the port would be easy given Shou-longs static resistance in the first few weeks of the war. However they were sorely mistaken as The cavalry and infantry struggled against the almost non stop barrage of Shou-longs cannons.

Too make matters worse the Shou-long infantry riffles were significantly better than teh fire nations not only did it have a faster fire rate it also had a longer range. Further more their soldiers were getting mowed down by Shou-long machine guns which wiped out scores of soldiers.

General Zayne was forced to call for reinforcements from the eastern army group due to the Port's stubborn resistance and it wasn't just the port that Shou-long was using to their advantage.

Hills, Valleys and forests were a Soldiers dream for Shou-longs military as the fire nation's great advance was being reduced to a slow crawl.

It would take month of besieging the port town for Zigren to finally surrender. Fortunately a small Shou-long naval task force was able to rescue teh remnants of the garrison and people. However Just as the Fire nation entered the town 3 Shou-long Galleons That were with teh relief fleet suddenly turned broadside and Unleashed the wrath of hundreds of cannons on the small port facilities rendering them useless for the fire nation.

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