Break from Val

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Angel wakes up to the sound of his phone buzzing the sound, breaking his dream his eyes open, he is clearly still tired. The spider rubs his eyes and tries to grab his phone but something heavy is stopping him Angel looks down to see what it is and knowtice Husk cuddled up on his chest fluff one hand on the spiders back and one on the bed purring pretty loudly. Blush fills the spiders face as he remembers what happen last night but tries to ignore it as he tries to reach for his phone again ringing for the second time "damn Husk can really sleep though anything" Angel thinks and chuckles a bit as he grabs the phone and looks at the caller, his mind instantly sinks as he reads the callers name and realizes who it is "Valentino" Angel thinks in disgust and fear. The spider picks up the phone and holds his breath a little hoping Valintino isnt mad "Hey Val what's up" Angel says nervously praying Val isn't mad by his tone "Angel baby~" Val says in a flirty tone seeming like hes in a good mood. Hearing this the cat wakes up still purring and cuddles a bit more on Angels fluff snuggling into his chest fluff hugging him, the spider smiles a bit realizing the cat is awake and calms down a bit "So the studio lost electricity and since all of your work involves electricity you can have the week off~" Val says witch makes Angel smile and relax even more he has never had the full week off before "something really bad must have happened not that I care" the spider thinks pretty excitedly "oh and don't worry you will be making up this time~" the spider is a little disappointed but not enough to care because the cat is curled up on him purring Husk seems to be clinging harder like he's protecting him "oh and baby~" Val says pausing for a little bit witch makes Angel worry a bit "if you don't pick up the first time again I will NOT hesitate to beat that little pathetic body up" val says angrily and them hangs up "Val" Husk questions looking up at Angel but the spider nods but he seems happy witch confuses the cat "why do u look happy" Husk ask in confusion as he stops clinging on to the spider as tight "I have a full week of of work" Angel almost yells in excitement he smiles at the cat in pure joy. Hearing this news Husk smiles feeling happy for the spider he kisses Angel on the lips for a seccond before pulling away "I'm happy for u" the cat says and snuggles his face full of blush as he burries his head into Angels chest fluff. The spider reaches over and puts his phone down on the desk and then wraps his arms around the cat "s sorry for kissing y you suddenly" Husk says muffled by his face shoved into Angels chest fluff "it's alright Husky~ it was cute~" The spider says in a flirty tone clearly enjoying how flustered the cat is Husk moves his head up and looks at Angel with loving eyes and the spider looks at him and puts one of his hands on Husks cheek and brushes his thumb against it "you're so handsome~" Angel says in a flirty tone as the cat immediately shoves his head back into the spiders chest fluff obviously flustered "y you're handsome too" Husk replys his head buried in Angels chest fluff, they both are enjoying the moment the spiders hands on the cats upper and lower back and Husks hands on Angels mid back. The spider feels calmer hearing the purrs of the cat as they lay there for a while both not knowticeing how much time has passed as they melt in echotheres arms both almost falling asleep when suddenly there's a knock on the door "Hey Angel are you in there" Charlie asks, the cats purring stops "yha princess what's up" Angel replys he can feel Husk clinging tighter again witch make him smile a bit seeing how protective he is of him "do you know where Husk is Alastor is looking for him because he's not at the bar" Charlie questions the cat seems a bit scared and shakes his head no to the spider hoping he would reply with it "Sorry I don't princess" Angel says seeing Husk shake his head no "Alright well if you see him tell him Alastor wants to see him" Charlie says then walks away. Both the cat and the spider sit there for a few minutes Husk lossens his grip and starts to purr again while Angel has his hands on the cats back and one on the back of his head petting it a bit "you wanna go tend the bar kitty~" the spider says in his normal flirty tone and the cat shakes his head no "Smiles is gonna get mad if ya don't come down soon thou" Angel says a bit worried of what Al is gonna do if Husk doesn't come down "He can go fuck himself for all I care" the cat replys witch makes the spider chuckle a little bit "if ya say so wiskers~" Angel replys with a soft smile. Both of the two are enjoying the moment Husk purring with his hand wrapped around Angel hugging him while the spiders hands are around the cats one of his hands petting the back of Husks head "ya hungry at all kitty~" Angel says in his usual flirty tone "Not really" Husk snuggles into the spiders fluff a bit more as the spider puts his head on the cats head "alright" Angel replys as they continue to snuggle both enjoying echothers company, a bit later Husk has fallen asleep on Angels chest fluff and the spider is looking at the cat with compleat love and admiration the spider loving every minute with the cat a few minutes pass by and they both are sleeping holding one another in there arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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