Fighting Off Val

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|The Next Day|
(trigger warning violence, rape, etc)
As Angel wakes up, he knowtices Husk is still asleep his wings spread out one under himself his ears slightly down, mouth slightly open snoring a bit, and his eyes lightly closed, Angel has never seen Husk so relaxed "he looks so relaxed I just wanna" Angel thinks leaning his head forward and kissing him lightly then he moves his hands two his lips and rubs them a bit. Husk now awake cause of the kiss keeps his eyes closed but couldn't help but pur "fuckkk he's suck a good kisser not to mention his fingers are so soft" Husk thinks as Angel takes his finger off and moves it to the top of the cats ear as Husk purs louder and moves his head into the pet "mmm~" Husk says with a vibrating voice enjoying the pets "oh Husk I didn't mean to wake ya" Angel says removing his hand but was moved back by Husk "Moree~" Husk groans as the spider obeys as he continues to pet the cat "Hey Husky~" Angel says in his usual flirty tone "Mnhm" Husk replys perking his ears up a bit "what time is it" Angel asks hoping it isn't too late as Husk looks at his watch "7:35 why" Husk says as Angel suddenly has fear in his eyes he quickly gets off the bed and starts grabbing close repeating the work 'fuck' "what's wrong" Husk questions sitting up ears still perked up "Fuck I was supposed to be at work 5 minutes ago I forgot to set my fucking alarm Fuckkkk" Angel starts doing his make-up in the bathroom as Husk gets up and hugs him from behind "Just don't go then so u don't get hurt I hate seeing u hurt ya know" Angel still putting on his make-up a little more calm from the hug "I can't just not go to work every single time I miss work my boss bea..." Angel stops as Husk let's go "So ya boss is doing this" Husk says in a angry tone "I thought it was ur shitty clients" Husk still angry and concerned sees Angels face dim "Well it's mostly my boss" Angel says looking down Husk just his hand on the spiders cheekand lifts his head up "Look I understand having a harsh boss so go, But if he fucks u up to the point where u can't stand again I'm fucking blowing his brain up" Husk says as Angel laughs a bit as he puts on his shoes "Thank u for your concern Husk but I'm fine really" the spider says even thou the cat knew differently. the cat sighs, letting him go, but he can't help but be worried for the spider.
|At The Studio|
"U FUCKING SKIPPED FRIDAY AND WHERE LATE TODAY BECAUSE U FORGOT" Val (the ass hole) yelled slapping Angel then lit a cigarette the smoke went to Angels neck "V Val pls ill make it up to yha I promise" Angel says whimpering in pain he has already been beaten pretty badly by Val with bruises all over his face and body along with knife cuts "YOU FUCKING BETTER NOW U ARE GONNA STAY OVER TIME U FUCKING SLUT" Val yells pinning Angel against the wall with the smoke on Angel hands standing infront of Angel
"y~yes Val" Angel says his voice almost to a wisper because he can barely breath "WHAT WAS THAT FUCKING HOE" Val yelled louder choking Angel "Y Yes Daddy~" Angel says in a flirty tone to get Val off his neck "Good" Val says putting the spider down "Now u are gonna get fuck these 5 guys and ur gonna fucking like it u hear me "Yes Val" Angel answers as Val walks out pleased with himself "FUCKING ASS HOLE" Angel thinks as he covers up all the bruises and cuts with his makeup realizing he can barley walk he remembers what Husk says if he comes back like that "But if he fucks u up to the point where u can't stand again I'm fucking blowing his brain up" Angel recalls in his mind "Fuck he can't know he's gonna get hurt" The spider thinks as he heads out of the room.
|Late that Night|
"ANGEL COME HERE" Val yells as Angel rushes in his direction "Yes Val" Angel replys in hidden fear "Come sit babyyy~" Angel sits next to Val "Not there babyyy~ on my lap NOW" Angel moves to Vals lap "Good boy~ Now since u did a great job at work I felt I should reward u~" Val says as Angel in fear on his lap knowticeing Vals dick is hard "Fuck" Angel thinks in fear knowing what going to happen "V Val can we not do this today I have to get home" Angel tries to get off but was instantly pulled down by Val "DONT U DARE NOW U ARE GONNA PLEASE ME OR YOU WILL GET TWICE THE BEATING TOMORROW" Val yells and he throws Angel on the bed "V Val pls" Angel begs as his clothes get ripped of his body (Yha I ain't writing more then that cause Val rapes Angel)
|At The Hotel Later That Night|
Angel is walking into the hotel he tries to walk up the stairs but can barely walk up. He puts on new clothing at the studio, his body trembling dry makeup down his face from crying. He finally gets up the stairs, still trembling. Barley is able to stand he opens the door. "I should have grabbed some dust," he thinks, walking over to the bar. Husk fell asleep at the bar he perks up seeing Angel sit infront of him and starts making him two of his drinks and hands them to Angel who chugged them down "Angel stand up and walk for me" Husk says generally concerned "H Husky there's no need to worry I'm fine" Angel says nervously smileing "If ur so fine stand up and walk" Husk insist very concernedat this point"H Husk I know u care" Angel stands up and tries to walk to Husk and almost falls but grips on the desk balancing himself he's now standing right next to Husk there faces close together "but I I don't wanna see u hurt ok" Angel kisses Husk lightly.

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