Beach Day Ends

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Husk walkingwith Angel suddenly stops as Angel realizes and also stops "Whats wrong Husk" Angel asks a bit confused "We where gonna get ice cream" the cat asks confused of why he wouldn't remember suck thing "I was making an excuse so the girls wouldn't ask questions" Angel says as they stand in line at the ice cream shop "oh right, why are we standing in like then" Husk asks again still confused "Well I wanted ice cream anyway" Angel replys as the line moves a bit they are almost at the front "Alright" Husk says as he and Angel move with the line. "Soo what flavor ya want Husky~" Angel asks flirtatiously "I don't know u pick" Husk replys (I am not doing the whole unsafe to eat thing for cats with Husk deal with it) "Well Ima have vannila" Angel replys as the line moves up a bit "isn't that a bit old fashioned" Husk asks "So what old fashion is good" Angel replys with a smile brighter then normal he seems to smile brighter when he's around Husk " True alright vannila it is" Husk says
|After Eating|
They are both sitting at the edge of the beach there are very few people around cause the beach is closing soon Vaggie and her girlfriend are in the car with Nifty as they wait for Angel and Husk to finish up there ice cream witch they already finished "So should we head back to the girls" Husk ask prepared to get up "Give me a minute I wanna look at the sunset" Angel says and suddenly puts his head on Husks sholder "Alright" Husk says loosing up as they watch the sunset for a bit the sun was far from actually setting but it was nice for them both though not worry for once about what other people thought "This is nice" Angel says and Husk nods his head in agreement the pig wasn't with them waiting for them in the car. Husk and Angel sat there for a few minutes before Angel took his head off Husks shoulder "Why did u stop" the cat asks curiously "I wanted to lie down" Angel adjusts lying down on the cats lap, Husk blushes a bit more then he was previously accepts it and leans forward a bit "um c can I pet ur head" the cat says shocking the spider a bit causing him to blush more "Yha sure kitty~" Angel says in a somewhat flirty tone Husk then moves one of his hands up and down Angels head and uses his other hand to lean back holding him up. People start to leave the beach but they didn't knowtice as they where both buzy on echother they stare at each other looking into there eyes the world felt like it stopped again, there hearts pounding there minds racing and there body's close. Angel suddenly gets up confusing Husk then he puts one of the pairs of hands on Husks cheeks and one supporting himself "Can I" Angel asks looking at Husks lips mesmerized "but what about the other people" Husk says embarrassed about it "Fuck the other people come on Husky u know we can't hide our feelings forever" Angel pushes a bit moving closer twords Husks mouth his head on Husks there body's close together "Come on baby~" Angel flirts. Back in the car Charlie is a bit concerned seeing people walk out of the beach and heading back to there cars Nifty is not focusing at all looking at the bugs outside the window there small but she still wants to kill em Vaggie decides to head out to get Angel and Husk back in the car so they can head home. Angels head is pressed against Husk along with is body there hearts are pounding "So what do u say baby~" the spider asks waiting to kiss the cat "U know what ur right, Fuck it" Husk kisses Angel moving one of his hands behind Angels head while the other one is supporting himself. They kiss for a few moments before Vaggie comes and sees them kissing "Uh Um sorry to interupt but WHAT THE FUCK" Vaggie says all they hear was 'what the fuck' and quickly get off of echother "H HEY VAGGIE" Angel gets up obviously blushing from embarrassment Husk just covers his face embarrassed as hell "So u guys are together huh" Vaggie says calming down "WHAT TOGETHER HAHA YHA I MEAN NO ugh fuuck yha" Angel says as Husk blushes with embarrassed and hides behind Angel "Husk is this true" the fallen angel asks as the cat nods "Alright well congrats anyways we need to go" Vaggie begins to walk to the car "W wait" the cat blurts out finnaly saying something Vaggie stops in her tracks "yha Husk" Vaggie says "C can u not tell anyone y yet I'm not ready for for it to be out yet" Husk asks letting go of Angel "Yha alright but I am at least telling Charlie if she asks is that cool" Husk nods as they all head back to the car. They all hop in the car and Charlie starts driving "So what took so long Vaggie" Charlie asks as Husk and Angel get nervous on whether or not Vaggie would hold up her end of the deal "Oh they moved so I couldn't find them that's all" Vaggie replys as Husk and Angel both are relived "Where they making out" Charlie ask (u used a yes or no wheel on this cause I wasn't sure if I should) "WAIT HOW DID U KNOW ABOUT THAT" Angel blurted out then covers his mouth "ANGEL WHAT THE HELL" Husk embarrassed covers his face with is hat "How'd u know about that" Vaggie asks curiously "Oh Nifty told me after she saw them making out in the hall" Charlie says with a smile "Don't worry it's nothing to be ashamed of" Charlie says "I made fanart hehehe" Nifty chucked as everyone got quite "anyways let's just continue driving" Charlie says

Booze and A CocktailOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora