Rollercoaster of Emotions

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The next morning Angel wakes up to find that he has a bunch bandages on his waist and chest and some on his legs and still wearing the clothing from last night that has dry blood on it and his sheets also has dry blood on it he gets up in alot of pain but he doesn't care he still has to go to work. After changing his clothes starting a load with all the dry blood covered stuff and putting on make-up to cover his bruises, which are a bit infected then he heads out obviously in pain, but he kept smiling. Seeing Husk at the bar seems to cheer up not knowing why but he doesn't care but Husk wasn't there today Vaggie was taking over for him "great Vaggie" the spider thinks sitting down "where's Husk" Angel ask "Wow not even a hello" the fallen angel says in an angry tone "ugh hello now where's Husky" Angel says clearly annoyed that husk wasn't there "he's sleeping okay what's ur problem with that" Vaggie says rolling her eyes " i don't" Angel says leaving the hotel "I ain't getting a drink unless he's there" the spider thinks surprised with his thoughts and blushes a bit "WAIT Why am I caring so much alcohol is alcohol, eh whatever i have work" the spider stops, blushes, puffs up his chest and walks out the door"
|Later that day|
Husk is working at the bar cleaning the table, Nifty is on one of the bar stools and Alastor is telling comedy jokes while Charlie is laughing while Vaggie isn't but is smiling cause her girlfriend is laughing. "Finnaly i can head back to the hotel early this time" Angel thinks packing up his stuff in excitement witch is rare for him considering how harsh his job is luckily its friday so he doesn't have to worry about coming back tomorrow he gets a ride from Val cause he doesn't have a car and Val blows him a kiss before heading out "weird normal he wants more then that welp I ain't complaining" the spider thinks while heading inside pleased he heads over to the bar glad to find husk there "heyy Huskyy~" Angel Dust says in his flirtatious voice as Husk rolls his eyes but is supersized he's back early, Angel sits down on a bar stool as nifty is turned facing Alastor laughing at his horrible jokes "what no hi back mean" Angel says hoping for a response "yha whatever" the cat sighed and starts making Angel Dust his usual "so why did u head out this morning u were badly hurt yesterday" the cat asks generally curious "and how did u know that" Angel confused by how he knew about his injuries " u were here last night remember" Husk sorta sad he didn't remember keeps a calm face and gives Angel his drink witch he kindly accepted "ohhh yes right" Angel lies trying not to hurt Huskes feelings "I know ur lying it's fine anyway I'm going out for a smoke" Husk walks away Angel starts up " I'll come with yha I could use one two" Angel says but realized the cat has already walked away. Husk sits on the edge of the rooftop his ears down crying a bit, Angel comes up quietly so Husk didn't hear him he's standing far away from him but close enough that he could hear Husk "of course he wouldn't remember last night" the cat said thinking outloud with a saddened voice "remember what" Angel questioned walking twords him now directly besidethe cat "AHHH FUCK, Jesus Angel u scared the living fuck outa me" Husk wipes his tears and tried to put his ears up but they wouldn't go up "u alright Husky" Angel questioned worried why he's sad hoping he didn't cause this reaction outa him he would never want to cause him harm "I'm fine I just need to be alone" Husk said Angel nodded and let him be by himself. Husk never went back to the bar that night he was just to sad he sat in his room all day.
|Later that day|
Angel became more and more worried through the day, wondering why Husk never came back, so he decided he might as well check up on him. Looking around the spider couldn't find Husk until he heard crying it was coming from his room the door was shut *knocking* " Hey Husk can I come in" the spider softly said but he heard no reply "alright I'm coming in" Angel opened the door witch was surprisingly not locked and way Husk face down sobbing into is pillow, the pillow on his knees and his arms around his legs not hearing Angel sit down next to him "Hey Husk" the spider softly said "what are u doing in my room" Husk replied hoping Angel would go away cause he doesn't wanna be seen like this especially not infront of the spider. Angel put is arm on Husks shoulder and pulled him in to his chest "comforting u" Angel replied as Husk but down the pillow an hugged Angel Dust without thinking and starting sobbing "there there u don't have to tell me whats going on or shit but I'm here whenever u need even if u are a grumpy man most of the time" Angel said softly with a smile "fuck off" Husk replied chuckling a bit but immediately being sad again "why don't u remember" Husk asked confusing the spider "remember what " the spider replied "what u did last night" Husk sobs "OMG DID I FUCK U" blushing flustered "No way in hell u know what forget it never mind" Husk gets off Angel "I need to be alone for a moment" the cat says as the spider sits and nods leaving the room still worried about the cat "what did I do fuckkkkk I can't remember shit" Angel thinks trying to remember what he did walking into his room. After he gets ready for the night he lays down then suddenly realized what the cat was talking about "I I KISSED HIM" Angel blurts out then covers his mouth quickly luckily no one in the hotel heard him cause the walls are mostly sound proof "fuck fuckk fuckk I kissed him and didn't even remember fuckk I ruined out first kiss WAIT WHAT HUH WHY AM I THINKING THAT" Angel says pacing "Calm down Angel u just need some sleep" the spider thinks laying down but he couldn't get the kiss out of his mind blushing hard he gets up to grab some water and heads back to bed and trys to sleep.

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