Cat Habits Part 2

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|Later That Day|
(I drew that no reference)
Husk is sitting behind the bar cleaning of a glass staring into space "Ughh I miss Angel it's no fun without him" Husk thinks putting the glass he is holding down and puts his head in his arms and sighs heavily as his mind wonders off. In the background Nifty is killing bugs while the rest are out Nifty walks over to Husk "Why are u sighing" Nifty asks while che climbs up on to the counter "No reason" Husk pick his head up "what can I get yha Nif, non alcoholic" Husk grabs a glass and waits for Niftys response "Nothing" she says giggling and running off Husk puts the glass back and pits his head back down and a few minutes later he accidentally falls asleep with Angel on his mind
|With Angel|
Angel is in his room at the studio Val is waiting outside for him to bring his back to the hotel because the power went down "HURRY THE FUCK UP ANGEL I DONT HAVE ALL DAY" Val yells as Angel hurriedly packs up his things "Coming Val" He quickly picks up his bag and heads to Val who immediately slaps him not as hard as normal "NEXT TIME BE QUICKER COME ON" Val and Angel head to the car and Val starts driving "I miss Husk so bad I can't wait to see him back at the hotel" Angel thinks while a real smile gets through his mouth "WHAT ARE U SMILING ABOUT" Val yells knowing Angel is right besides him "N nothing Val sorry" Angel stops but smiles on the inside thinking about Husk "Damn he would look hot looking like that" Angel thinks as his mind visions Husk in a black suit as he zones out paying no mind to anything.
|With Husk|
Husk gets woken up by someone tapping on his sholder as he sits up he knowtices its Charlie "Oh hey Princess what's up" Husk says sitting up "Oh nothing Husk I've been a bit worried cause u have been sleeping for 30 minutes according to Nifty did u get enough sleep last night" Charlie asks Husk looks around and knowtices that they just got back a few minutes ago considering the bags on the floor "Yha I didn't sleep so well last night" Husk lies, he slept through the whole night witch is rare for him something about that spider was calming for him be he didn't know what maybe it was in general but he doesn't know nor want to know feeling it would ruin it. "Well I can ask Vaggie to run the bar if you want" Charlie says "Yha I do need a break" Husk says "to think about Angel more" Husk continues in his mind then releasing what he said puts his head in between his arms and blushes "Thanks Princess" Husk says to Charlie before she walks off to find Vaggie.
|With Angel|
They arrive and Val drives away quickly like he was in a hurry "Maybe it's cause of the power" Angel thinks walking in knowticeing Vaggie is at the bar Angel heads to his room "where could Husk be" Angel thinks heading up the stairs and goingto his room "Huh" He thinks hearing the sound if the pig squealing in excitement "He only does that when someone's in there" The spider unlocks the door and opens it slowly to his relief he finds the cat laying down with one of the spiders shirts in his hand his knees up and his hands in his face his ears are down and his tail swaying "Cute" Angel thinks standing at the doorway as his face fills with blush. He stands there for a minute adoring the cat "Hey Husk~ Like my shirt huh" Angel says in a flirty tone closing the door and locking it as Husks ears perk up with his head "S Shut up" Husk says as his pupils dilate. Husk puts the shirt down and gets up and hugs Angel his face full of blush with his head in-between the spiders chest purring loudly "I missed u" Husk says witch was muffled out a bit by the fur on Angels chest "Me too Husk" Angel says as they both stand and hug for a few minutes " Can we sit down I'm starting to get dizzy" the spider ask as the cat gets off and sits on the bed with Angel following him.
|A Few Minutes Later|
Husk is in Angels arms both sitting down Angel is petting Husks ears with two of his hands each on a separate ear Husk is purring pretty loudly snuggled into Angels fluff on his chest they both very relaxed "Hey Angel" the cat says putting his head up to lock at the spider "Yha Wiskers" the spider replys an looks at the cat "do u want to go on a date with me" the cat says very straightforward his eyes almost black an his tail swaying "cute" the spider thinks seeing the cat like that "Y yha" his face fills with blush as he turns away a bit and covers his face "what's wrong" Husk questions and rubs his head against Angels face once "I um I ah" The spider studders very flustered "did I do something wrong, do u not wanna go on a date" the cats eyes look concerned as he sits up "N no I do I really do" Angel looks directly in the cats eyes still covering his face slightly "then what's wrong" Husk says while getting off and sitting next to Angel "I it's nothing wrong" the spider says looking away again "ohhh did I make u flustered sorry I didn't mean too" Husk says now understanding "yes but I, I liked it" the spider says. They both are now blushing alot just sitting there Husk looking at Angel "So I I um do u want to cuddle again" Husk asks his tail swaying from the idea "Yha" Angel says he looks back at Husk and removes his hand blushing alot less now and Angel lays down.
(Warning nest chapter is 18+ pls skip if not 18)

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