Chill Times

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They kiss a bit more then Angel let's down Husk "shall we head back the girls are probably gonna wonder why we where away for so long" the spider says "yha we should" Husk replys so they both make there way down alot calmer but still blushing a bit not enough to knowtice (sorry they aren't holding hands yet) they both sit at the bar staring into echothers eyes smiling a bit "um hey u guys okay u have been staring for a bit, did something happen" Charlie asks as they both look away from echother in embarrassment Husk starts to make a drink for Angel, his smile deceding into his normal 'grumpy' look and Angel smiles at Charlie "oh yha we are fine sugar say where u girlfriend at" Charlie blushes a bit thinking about Vaggie "Oh she's out doing some shopping she said she didn't want me to come anyway see u guys later" The princess of hell says before running off.
|Later that day|
"Guys, listen up, so I had a brilliant idea a bit ago. I know u guys aren't as prepared for it, but I think it would be great, I mea..." Charlie says getting cut off "Just make the point already I need to go back to the bar" Husk interrupts "Sorry sorry well as I was saying how about" she squeals a bit in excitement "we should have a beach day tomorrow" she smiles "I'm always up for the beach" Angel agreeing to go to the beach "I guess im fine with it I ain't swimming thou" Husk says also agreeing "yha babe that sounds fun" the princess girlfriend agrees "OHHH WILL THERE BE BUGS I CAN KILL" Nifty says "Well not at the beach no but there will be other stuff like ice cream and..." Charlie gets cut off again "IM IN HEHE" Nifty interrupts chuckling before running away with a knife to kill more bugs "what about u Alastor" Vaggie asks "Well my dear friend I'm not nessasaraly one for the beach so how about I stay here and protect the house from any intruders "but why would people want to..." Charlie gets cut off for the third time "Yha that works thanks Al now come on Charlie let's go pack" Vaggie grabs Charlie's hand and they walk to there room, Husk goes back to the bar with Angel walking behind him and Alastor dissappear into the shadows heading back to his room. "So since no one'sss here u wanna do something funn~" Angel says in a flirty tone " I ain't fucking u Angel" Husk says strictly "I never said anything about that Husky~" Angel replys in his flirtatious voice "Ughh fine but if it's one of ur fucked up games I ain't doing it" Husk replys a bit flustered by the flirting "Yayyyy" the spider replys excitedly grabbing a hold of Husks hand and leading him over to the couch where he sat Husk down sideways and sat behind him "H HEY I SAID I AIN'T DOIN ONE OF UR GAMES ANGEL" Husk says nervously and flustered "Husk this ain't a game now lay ur head on my chest" Angel says softly "U sure" Husk questions as his face heats up blushed and his heart races, Angel also feeling very flustered "Yes" he answers and Husk puts his face on his chest Angels heart beats faster then he pets the cats ears "EEP" Husk squeaks in surprise an Angel immediately takes his hands off "S sorry Husk I thought it would be.." he gets interrupted by Husk, who has grabbed his hands and moved them back, purring a lot, then he puts his hands around his waist. Accepting the spider pets his ears as the cat relaxes still purring "u like this huh" Angel says smiling a genuine smile and not some one he has to put on for a show for some reason the only time he genuinely smiled was with Husk "shut up and keep petting me" Husk says annoyed by Angel talking. Angel Dust pets Husk for a while both are very calm still blushing Husk seems more relaxed then ever and Angels hands are getting tired "H hey Husk" Angel says as Husk looks up at him "yha" Husk replys "I gotta head to work kitty~" Angel says in a sorta flirty tone, he just got a text from Val that he needs him at the studio because the porn star that was supposed to be there died Angel thinks Val probably shot the person for being annoying. Husks head goes back down onto his chest fluf "No work just pets" the cat demand lightly
"Alright" Angel didn't want to leave but he knew Val would be pissed but he didn't care so he continued petting Huskes ears as he felt the smoothing vibration of his purs on his chest, something about the pur made him relaxed normal he's constantly stressed about Val but he felt like with Husk everything is gonna be okay no matter what happens.
|Hours Later|
Husk and Angel fell asleep on the couch Angels hands on Husk two on his lower back and two on his shoulders, Husk is still purring even thou he's asleep his hat has been moved to the table next to the couch and the Moonlight is shining through the big window near the front door of the hotel one of Angels legs is halfway off the couch and the other is under one of Husks legs they both sleep peacefully under a big blinket that is way too big for the couch. Husks velvet red tie is on the floor, and so are Angels blue shoes, and Angel is snoring very lightly.
(Sorry, this was less than 1000 words. I couldn't think of anything else to put)

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